Monday 3 June 2024

What You Need To Know About Targeting In Covert Warfare

Are you targeted? Are you mystified as to why human beings can be so cruel and what end this serves? Are you wondering at the persistent nature of the targeting? Do you ask why anyone would be so interested in you they watch and attack you constantly, 24/7?

Let me break this down in a manner that hopefully puts these questions to rest. Here's what you need to know about targeting:

There are two main activities that make up the targeting program.
1. Worshiping.

The wing in the system that runs the targeting program is led by Satanists. This also applies to the military and explains why the west has over millenia beem able to conquer and subdue the world. 

Satanists are capable of doing what normal human beings would find impossible to do. Take for example Columbus' savage treatment of natives he found. 

Doing evil is a form of worship in satanism and the more egregious the bad deed the better. The evil they're doing to you as a targeted individual is worship.

2. They're feeding appetites for torture and murder that are inevitably created in a satanistic culture.

Psychopathic serial killers are the byproduct of satanism and giving them an outlet for their appetite is the manner society is protected from what would otherwise happen to it if this group was let loose on it.

Think of it as being similar to what happens to communities that ban prostitution. The number of rapes rise.

Understand here that the western so called system of capitalism is a culture of hate and war, and history bears witness to this. It is a culture led by a cult whose basic Satanist ideology evolved to #SabbateanFrankism in the 18th century.

Satanism is an enabler of a culture of hate and war. As said before, it is what has enabled the west to take over the world. It's what gives the western culture an edge over other human cultures, especially those where the human inclination to do good ... to do to others and for others as one would like to be done to ... is the norm.

What we are all dealing with, basically, and on an international scale to boot, are Satanists, their hired and coerced hands working indirectly for them, and the psychopathic serial killers who are provided with an outlet for their appetite for torture and murder ... who have to be "fed" in this manner otherwise they become problems for the culture.

This is what we are up against. This is why it's hard to believe. This is why being targeted is a perpetual experience of minute to minute to hour to daily attacks and torture that are lifelong. Converts to satanism, psychopaths, and others who have caved in to their demands or are merely working for them for treats and trinkets are taking shifts on you.

I would like to say here that, after what I stated above, it may seem like there is nothing anyone can do about this monstrosity. But the thing is it's not a hopeless scenario for the targeted.

For starters, even when it may seem like almost the entire community has become satanic (making the entire society satanistic is the ultimate objective is Satanists), there aren't that many of these warped human beings to go around to start with, and their numbers are dwindling fast, which is the main reason they are cautious and you are still able to function in society. This is also verified in the fact the powers-that-be want depopulation.

Fewer people are easier to control ie., they don't have the paraphernalia required to control the billions on earth now and they are losing control fast.

Also, the capitalist power structure is under attack from within and without. The most potent of these attacks takes the form of economic developments abroad. Countries are moving away from anything that gives economic support to the satanistic dominant culture dubbed capitalism, and soon there will not be enough resources at the disposal of the powers-that-be to support their humongous international network of torturers and murderers.

The world is changing fast, and my advise to you is not to give up or give in, but to become part of the growing global resistance and partake in the fall of one of the most, if not THE most stultified cultures mankind has evolved.

Satanists are products of human cultures that have gone wrong or stultified. The individual Satanist is always an idiot because of this. They are not worth joining or helping. Unless you are an idiot too.

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