Monday 26 December 2022

Religion and Politics are NOT Divisive by Chance.

When you take a look at the manner organized religion tends to divide communities, Catholic against Protestant, Islam against Judaism, Pentecostal against New Apostolic, Theist against Atheist, and compare this to other inherently divisive systems in society, you will find that the same divisiveness that characterizes especially Abrahamic faiths is quite similar to that which a multiparty democracy system creates, whereby the end result is Democrat against Republican against Liberal against Independent against Socialist against etc., and the ultimate result is the same, i.e. division. 

It may sound like I am reaching with this, or that I am comparing two totally different realities, but not if you first of all admit that organized religion has the potential to split families, create enmity where non should be, cause violence and even murder and genocide, just as party political convictions.

We have seen it happen in history as well as the present. There is ample proof of this so it's not just off the top of my head.

And it should dawn on you that this remarkably similar divisiveness in politics and religion bears witness to a playboook or modus operandi associated with the usual suspect that in most probability is behind the creation of the trends in both.

Let me clarify this statement ...

If you think about it, a unified religion is what people would have logically rigorously sought to create over the ages for obvious reasons, and the fruits of those efforts would have given results already.

Yet subdivision has been the overriding concern of the main activists for change where it was evident that that's the wrong direction to take if it was causing unnecessary divisions and strife.

Mahatma Gandhi's remark that "God has no religion" couldn't have been rocket science to the erudite and informed men who were busy breaking the church into denominations.

Clearly, if we understand from the simple logic in that simple remark that they opted for worse rather than better, we can not be faulted for seeing these men as agents of divide and conquer ... They were fulfilling the wishes of a power that could only see unity, any kind and under any banner, as a threat to it.

And it's only when you check the backgrounds of the men who championed the changes that created the various other denominations in Christianity alone that a pattern begins to emerge. Curiously and maybe revealingly, they all share one thing in common. They all happened to be products of Freemasonry.

Martin Luther, the man who was instrumental in the creation of Protestantism, is shown above making a masonic sign. The image can be found at the link below. 

Charles Fox Parham, the man who founded the pentecostal denomination, was a Freemason too. He is said to have made it clear that he had left Freemasonry to focus on his church, but there is credible evidence showing that he never made distance with the secret society, suggesting that he lied. Why? The answer to that question is of course obvious. Read all about it at the link below.

Screenshot of the first part of the document at the above link.

Need I go on? If you do your due diligence you will discover that the splintering of the Catholic church was done by the church itself, through its secret society masonry.

Research the link masonry has to the Catholic church, as well as the link the Knights of Malta (Jesuits), a sister organization to the Knights Templar, in which the origins of masonry lie, has to the same. Remember that the current pope is both a Jesuit and a mason.

The motivation for the Catholic church to deliberately splinter the faith has already been stated before. Any kind of unity of the common masses doesn't work to the best interests of the powers-that-be.