Sunday 2 June 2024

How I Discovered That I Was Being Hit With Extremely Low Frequencies (ELF) And The Current Status of my Search For Defense Against Them.

Had I not started using noise reduction ear plugs, I would never have realized that I was being flooded with harmful ELF.

I started using noise reduction ear plugs around 2017. This was after I installed an ultra and infrasound detector on my smartphone and discovered that I was getting bombarded with both these frequencies.

Assuring myself that this was the case was easy. The bombardment coincided with specific activities, such as arduous and strenuous exercise or quiet study. The attacks would also start whenever I started to write something.

Lets be clear here that it was ANYTIME that I would start to do any of these activities that the detector would sound an alarm, warning me that there was an inordinate amount of ultrasounds or infrasounds suddenly entering my environment.

I don't believe in coincidence, and the fact that the rise in intensity of these beams coincided with certain activities, all of them being activities that were good for me, left no room for error or conjecture.

So it was that I felt I should protect my brains from entrainment, that I figured was the objective of these attacks, that I started inserting noise reduction plugs into my ears. My use of the plugs increased as time progressed, to the point that I couldn't go to bed without my ears plugged up.

Towards the end of 2023, after using ear plugs constantly for over 5 years, I started experiencing pain in the ear canal, specifically the area that the plugs touched whenever I had them on. Trying to keep the plugs as clean as possible didn't help, meaning the cause of the pain lay somewhere else.

One night this year, the pain became unbearable, so much so I removed the plugs and felt immediate relief. I changed the plugs with new ones out of the box but the same thing happened soon thereafter. I also noticed that, with every increase in the intensity of the pain, the outer ears would progressively start feeling as though they were being shredded on the surface. It was as if a tiny razor was cutting zig zag lines on them.

I removed the plugs and slept without them but on the next night while in a drowsy state, after experiencing the pain, I merely adjusted the plugs by removing them and inserting them differently. I noticed that the pain subsided, and that this "grace period" lasted a good 10 or so minutes ... after which the pain became unbearable again. I repeated the procedure and, once more, the same thing was repeated. First was the grace period of complete relief, then the sensation of pain started, first around the ear plug then, progressively, it shifted outwards until the outer ear shredding effect started.

That's when it occurred to me that I was dealing with something totally different from the sound based frequencies that I had started inserting the sound reduction ear plugs for. The behavior of this frequency was unlike what is known of the sound frequencies.

You see, the frequency was clearly building up around the plug then overflowing out onto the outer ear resulting in the shredding flesh sensation. The relief I felt when I adjusted the plugs by removing then inserting them back into the ear canal was due to the fact I had removed what was blocking the flow of whatever frequency it was that was getting beamed at me. But as soon as I had the ears plugged up again the frequency would build up and pile up then overflow until the shredding sensation started all over again.

This was unlike the behavior of any frequency I knew ... it wasn't anywhere near what I knew of even radio frequencies (RF). I know that microwaves can build up. That's why it isn't safe to turn a microwave oven on without anything inside that can absorb them. But microwaves don't fill cavities when blocked in a similar manner a liquid would, something that this frequency was managing to do with ease.

It took some researching for me to discover what it was exactly that I was being exposed to, that was causing the pain and other sensations, filling up and overflowing to burn and leave the outer ears sore for days on end. Exposure to the now declassified files on #OperationCrimsonMist, that exposed the type of frequencies used to entrain the brains of Rwandans in the #RwandaGenocide helped me ascertain what it really was that they were now using on me.

They had started bombarding me with ELF, that I had studied before and whose behavior I was quite familiar with.

It all tallied with what I was experiencing in the inner and on the outer ear.

You see, ELF are of the same nature as the frequencies that our bodies generate and are as such perfect for brain entrainment. Their only drawback is the fact they don't move in strait lines but scatter widely. They can be directed albeit with more difficulty than radio frequencies. They move in a similar manner to lightning bolts, and the mechanics of how they propagate are very similar.

Lightning bolts move according to the polarity of the surrounding static electric environment, with the earth being the final negative polarity that attracts them. ELF directed at a human body are attracted by the opposite polarity on the inside of the body. If you and I were to find ourselves in a field of ELF, and this field had a polarity that was the opposite of the one inside our bodies, we would feel tiny worm-like sensations of movement as the frequency was driven towards the body's orifices (ears, eyes, nose, mouth).

ELF can go through water, and this is why they are the frequency of choice for submarine communications, but they cannot easily go through the skin ... This is what my experience of frequencies building up within the ear canal until they overflow outwards onto the outer ear tells me. This is what causes the sensation to drop and gradually return after I have adjusted the noise reduction plugs by removal and re-insertion. This is why we experience the sensation of a mass crawling of minute objects over the skin towards the orifices.

In the final analysis, earplugs aren't effective at blocking out ELF. Even though they do block the entry of the frequencies into the body (depending on their DB rating), the pain experienced each time the build up of frequencies starts puts one off using them altogether. This is to say that they would only be effective if the urge to remove them could be suppressed, if they can be used.

I am a tough one, though. I have persisted where I know others wouldn't but, even though I have had nights when I kept on removing and re-inserting the plugs after the pain got unbearable, and managed to keep it up till dawn, with long intervals of undisturbed sleep in between, the next night the ear canal is usually too sore to insert the plugs without experiencing excruciating pain.

I am forced to skip some nights.

Therefore I am still on the drawing board regarding protection from these frequencies. I am persistent because I want to save me. I want to save my mind. That's important enough for me to brace torturous pain as I seek a solution.

You see, ELF aren't harmless. I know a targeted individual that sometimes experiences bleeding from her ears during periods of intense directed energy weapon (DEW) attacks, and now I know that it's the same ELF that's causing me so much grief that they are using on her.

Many of those who were attacked at US embassies around the globe, starting from Cuba, from which the name #HavanaSyndrome was coined, experienced symptoms that also strongly suggest that ELF were the primary frequencies used. We are talking exorbitant exposure such that the external electric input overloads and causes extensive damage to the central nervous system, sometimes to the extent some people can no longer function normally.

A news report I watched recently featured a woman that had worked in one such embassy that was attacked and was found to have developed holes in the skull bones around the ears. She underwent surgery in that area to hold the bones together.

I have the most clear thoughts, a clear, continuous conscious, whenever I manage to keep my ears plugged up the longest, otherwise the effect of the ELF they keep firing at me is such that my mind is cloudy, if not blank, most of the time ... and I fail to stick to plans that I make from day to day, which only results in me remaining stagnant.

This just so happens to be a major objective of the targeting program. They want to keep us in one place till our death.

It looks too much like ELF are the new attack frequencies in covert warfare, and also that this frequency will become the mainstay of DEW attacks in future, and it is just imperative that we seek a manner of protecting ourselves from them based on what we know about the frequencies.

I am still trying to figure out how to prevent the build up of the frequencies around the ear by attracting them to something else, which could be a method of preventing them from finding their way to the ear in the first place. Thus, I am trying to figure out how to divert them from body orifices,and I have in mind a method that works in a similar manner a grounding rod prevents lightning from striking appliances in the home.

The first part requires figuring out the polarity of the frequency that the body generates. If that can be reproduced to a higher intensity outside the body, then the job is done.

Magnets have an effect on ELF, I noticed, but it is tricky getting them positioned properly, especially such that the frequencies aren't enhanced, and so far I have failed to get even the strongest of them salvaged from magnetron ovens to work to desired effects.

The search for the perfect shield intensifies ...

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