Saturday 15 July 2017

Miscelaneous Posts to my Facebook Timelineé_1950.png

And I know many people are of the belief I am too philanthropic, for my own good even, but, for me, the point has been reached where it is very clear to me I am not walking off free until a critical number of you are also freed, and my seemingly large, bloated heart efforts is just me ensuring the confusion that keeps the best among you from using your impressive skills to set yourselves free is straitened out to the point I feel I will have you as well to count on for a successful freedom fight/battle or war.

And I could do it all myself if it was possible but it is not ... hence let's start from the basics. Get the bio-entity defending bit correct. The weapons they are using to keep you down are made by people like you ... by human beings and can be understood, replicated and, if you are forced to fight on the defensive, can be outwitted foiled and defeated. Have this thought on your mind each time you tackle the issue of prioritizing defense first as the first step to the long journey to freedom. Defend yourself from the primary weapons being used to confuse and destroy you that are generally kinetic weapons.

Once you get the defending bit correct, take your skipping rope out and train yourself. Go out jogging, shadow box, do yoga, check and train your reflexes, get on beer and off it, train and watch what you eat then don't care, and so on. Train yourself for encounters that will require you are flexible, speculative, spontaneous, able to multitask, have good memory and preserve strength and endurance, etc. Etc.

Onward towards victory comrades ...

What is all the fuss about the second coming, you ask? It's allegory at it's best.

Men come twice during their life times. This is a known fact. The trajectory of growth of men is differnt from women. Men grow up twice in their lives.

It first happens in their mid twenties to early thirties (Thomas Sankara or Tupac (even Jesus) came full blast in these years) or in their middle ages (40's to 50's).

The system we live in has this knowledge which is why they kill "The Sent (true revolutionaries)", those who can make a difference, at their first coming or get them before they come a second, thunderous and unstoppable time (remember Micheal Jackson and Prince. Not true revolutionaries but what they were going to do if they came a second time was way beyond anything we have been exposed to).

Stupid system trembled at the knees at the thought of what human expectations would become once these men came the second time and got rid of them.

Do you understand?

Don't get fooled, people. Pervs are deceitful b*stards who rely on deceit or your ignorance to get their attacks to work on you. They will go to any lengths to keep the truth concealed from you if it makes what they are doing to you work. If you shut them out with a faraday cage made of a meter thick sheet of copper and they reach you within using ultrasonic blasts ... the last thing they will have you know is that their RF weapons are completely and absolutely disabled by your massive shield ... from scalar to nutrino to everything else, by letting you in on the little secret they actually only reached you within the faraday cage using ulltrasonics (sound waves) because they know you will start looking for rubber and will be well on your way to blocking them out completely. They will want you deceived they have the ultimate get-through-everything weapon (even though the copper in the emitter is producing and directing or handling the beam they want to claim cannot be stopped by anything) and you are better off taking down your massive copper faraday cage shield. You get me?

Rule one is this, that some protection is better than no protection at all ... you are supposed to build on from here to complete invincibility and freedom, you know?

As an aside, a faraday cage made of copper with walls 1 meter thick would not just keep you very safe from radio frequencies but I do not see how sound frequencies can get through so much material of a metalic nature. I think that inside such a shield you will be the safest person on earth from the worst of directed energy emmissions that kinetic weapons can generate.

Here is a youtube video showing a lady, that happens to be a doctor, recording attacks experienced within a faraday cage. Now, here's what I think is the matter and I say this while taking it for granted the faraday cage is OK.

Is there a lead from outside to the laptop or computer through the faraday cage wall? If so then they are shoving the attacks through there. She needs to know of measures to block transmission of waves through power or data cables from the outside to equipment within a faraday cage and apply these.

Also, it may be that she may not have a connection to the outside but there is a tiny program on her disk that runs and creates directed energy beams of a high intensity using the computer's hardware as soon as a sensor scanning for signal interference kicks it in.

Donny Davis > Mark Passio Discussion Group -
Public, Uncensored and NOT Masonic
People's beliefs create their reality. Anyone ever
examine the beliefs of freemasons, and how
their beliefs affect everyone else's reality? Their
beliefs include:
(1) matter is limited. Nothing can be created or
destroyed. So you gain something if you take
something away from another person.
(2) life operates on a social hiearchy. So your
goal should be to get on top.
(3) knowledge is power. So, try to get as much
occult knowledge as you can for yourself, while
keeping it from others. As it can be used to
your advantage.
(4) certain bloodlines are superior and should
be on top of the hiearchy. Your goal should be
to marry or get in these bloodlines.
(5) eugenics is a must. If there's less people,
then there's more matter/wealth for yourself.
And they're lower in the hiearchy anyways, so
their lives don't matter
(6) Jews are superior to whites. Whites are
superior to asians/indians/latinos. Asians/
indians/latinos are superior to blacks. Men are
superior to women. The races and sexes aren't
created equal. Meet exclusively with your own
sex/race, only intermixing the lodges when you
need to work together. Kiss ass accordingly.
Meet exclusively within your own rank. Be OK
with your rank, even if it's low.
So what if we examined and changed these core
beliefs? How would this manifest in our reality?
What if we believed:
(1) matter is unlimited. Nature regenerates
itself. Our 'limited' dimension was created and
is connected to other dimensions which are
(2) life doesn't have to operate on a social
hiearchy. You can be an individual and thrive.
(3) knowledge is power. If you give this
knowledge to others, they may use it in a
positive way to make your reality better.
(4) all beings have the ability to imagine their
reality and have equal rights. No bloodline is
better than other bloodlines.
(5) eugenics isn't necessary. If private property
rights are maintained, people will naturally
limit their reproduction to keep their quality of
life via the rate of nature's regeneration.
(6) every race and sex has unique values to
offer, and can all voluntarily work together to
create an amazing reality
If our world-view and beliefs changed, especially
in organized esoteric groups, perhaps more of
these positive beliefs would become a bigger
part of our reality. Science would instead
promote healing and longer lives rather than
profit/depopulation/deception. Our experts
would focus on gaining knowledge to enhance
natures' natural regeneration. Certain races
wouldn't literally exterminate themselves and
their culture after they follow orders in lodges
taken over by a 'superior' race. Women would be
treated as equals in organizations rather than
garbage after freemasons learn this MGTOW-crap
belief system. Finally, maybe knowledge of
human origins would be learned rather than
suppressed, and we would become more than

All I can say to this is "Wow!" The problem, however, is that superior rationalization cannot impinge the hopelessly brainwashed  matter between the ears of freemasons but not to worry. Let us skirt clear of their evil teachings and adopt superior reasoning for our benefit because we have a system to crush and a better world to build ...

Those of you thinking freemasons may have a point consider the possibility their aspiring to mix in with superior genes may in fact result in making those genes second rate if h the freemason's genes are rubbish. And here I was almost giving the freemasons some benefit of the doubt but this post just makes them appear to be brain dead imbeciles who run stuff. Not good. They should go.

The same with all the rest of the stuff they do ... when the options are considered the beliefs guiding their conduct mark them out as a bunch that is nothing but utter RUBBISH!
The conscious, those among us who know what is going on because they know the ways of the current system/culture and understand why it does what it does know Bill Gates crossed over. He is one of them now (the global pedofile elite) and, actually beating them at a lot of the evil they perpetrate internationally. I do not need to place links to stuff he did that proves this. Anything he did of late if you just google "Bill Gates" is in support of what the conscious are aware are schemes to defile the human gene pool, sicken people rather than heal them and commit genocide.

That's why I got concerned when I learnt his wife Melinda is behind this Summit that happened just yesterday. I smelt a rat and it didn't take a lot of thought for me to detect that rat in the works.

Think about this. A lot of money is going into the development and production of these pills, right? The target market comprises over a quarter of a billion women in the third world. We are talking here of women in regions with the lowest population densities on planet earth where repopulation is imperative, after the genocidal ravages of western imperialissm in the form of colonialization and slavery.

Melinda's movement has already reached 30. 000, 000 (thirty million) of these women in the third world  according to coordinators of this program.

The money needed to make women in the third world accept the pills big pharma will deliver is immense considering the hurdles that have to be crossed.  Ignorance is rife and awareness campaigns of this very effective pill alternative to beliefs concerning contraception have to be massive to have an impact on people living in some of the remotest and backward regions on planet earth.

Lots and lots of money.

Question here is simple, and it runs ... why can't they dish that money out on making these women afford to raise healthy women? It does not take much to see into maturity the average African baby girl or boy in a rural agricultural area. Tools implements and fertilizers plus a local tractor and borehole and you have a huge underpopulated region healthy and en route to repopulation, no? With enough yellow, pink, brown and black booty women to go around.

Now do not get this twisted. This is not a pro-choice argument but one about twisted priorities. Why should the termination of pregnancy and the female child be considered more important than making people able to take care of children if they want them, including all the other major benefits that come from this ... such as repopulation, self reliance, healthy population, better corporate well-being, and so on and so forth?.

This thing that Melinda person is championing stinks to high heaven of a genocidal intention ... do you also smell that sh*t?

The Terminator Janez thing just got his pay for the Philando Castille termination mission, albeit under a disguise (discharge transfer dismissal whatever fee).

Bottom line is he got paid $48,500 (Forty Eight Thousand Five Hundred United States Dollars).

Now, pay attention ... There are two other things happening here apart from the disguise that I will mention below

1. The pay is being done very publicly. It is headline news, right?

2. There is the undeniable INCENTIVE function of the payment.

Let's start off explaining the function of each of these starting from the disguise.

The disguise (in the form of some apologetic statement explaining why he had to get paid so much ... as in it's a payment for transfer or something like that) is intended to get the critically minded, those of us who know the difference between right and wrong, off balance, and hopefully distracted from the truth.

The publicity of the payment, on the other hand, serves both as an effective means of reaching a broad audience increasing the likelihood that it serves as an INCENTIVE for zombie types to take on the terminator calling/role and it is also a way the shadow figures running the system, the globalists, the pedofiles, reassure members, affiliates, workers, and others that they are still in control ... they are saying by this very public, headline announcement that they are unruffled by the critique, condemnation, contempt, scandal and controversy this has raised from conscious circles. They are saying there is no problem at Houston. The mission is still on track ...

Hope you get it my brother and sister ...

Just learnt something new today ... The hard way.

I have two phones. I can only use one to access the web directly because the other phone, a BB, is locked to a UK network. I tether the BB to the Android to access the net most of the time because it has a larger screen that also has a richer display quality.

I have had files going missing or deleting "gradually" on my memory cards. By deleting gradually I mean that the file disappears gradually from memory, by first depleting to 0 bytes, lingering in memory as an unusable but visible 0 byte file, and then disappearing completely.

Only today did I try to test out the thought whoever is deleting my files is not doing this by connecting directly to the phone as the belief goes, that only by removing the battery if there is no internal battery active to enable remote operation can this be foiled and valuable files protected. The other option is to place the phone in a faraday cage.

You see, files on the locked BB are not being deleted even when it stays on forever, meaning the battery pull thingy is not at issue here. Nobody is connecting to this phone any other high tech way, obviously.

To test if I was right, I copied music files from the BB to the Android, the phone that connects to the net, using bluetooth, and then removed the memory card and placed it in an mp3 player.

I pressed the play button and soon realised that two files had already been deleted and when I placed the card in the BB I saw that the deleted files, still visible but with just 0 bytes each, were the first I transmitted or copied via bluetooth. This led to the conclusion the deletion is going from oldest to newest ... It is a slow process too.

I removed the sim card from the droid, turned it on and  inserted the memory card again then repeated the file transfer operation  using bluetooth. I copied about the same number of files as before then removed the card and placed it in the player. This time non of the files had been deleted or depleted to 0 bytes. Set the mp3 player on continuous play and, apart from weird skips targeting specific artists, the files remained intact.

Conclusion ... Files on my memory card are being deleted and it is deliberate. They are only deleting when I place the memory card containing the files on the Android phone. The manner the phone is being accessed is through its radio. The BB's radio is not connecting to the network in a manner that allows data to be transferred or data within the phone to be accessed and manipulated (just an SOS connection) which is the reason files on it are safe as long as the memory card remains in it. Now, this access method may be unique to me but just so you know ... we may just be onto a truth and maybe even a tech weakness and vulnerability, maybe even a failsafe way of protecting valuable data on a memory card inserted in a phone or preventing the pedofile fool from eavesdropping on you and such.

Just remove the SIM card.

As a stranger to the culture  walking through downtown Lusaka, you will be excused for thinking  traders/vendors are in fact beggars with an excuse, moreso if you come from an affluent clime. Over time, you will realise that street vending is serious business. It is the main way a significant portion of the population put bread on their tables, pay their bills and manage much more than you suspect. In a land witthout a social security net, vending rescues many from what would otherwise be extreme poverty, maybe even starvation.

Vending thrives in a less organized society because it fills in on what is unavailable or negleted by higher authority. For instance, vendors bring necesities near people so they do not need to cross the city to get them. Vendors are good at positioning themselves at locations that enable their customers to save on their time. With their ware displayed for all to see, they also serve as useful reminders for the busy citizenry of what they need or will need to buy.

But for all of the usefulness, vendors levy a toll on the corporate well-being of society by raising the cost of essentials bought at local retail outlets, especially when their craft improves to the point they corner the market, deplete supplies in the available outlets and collude on profit margins.

This is exactly what has happened in Zambia where farm produce, for instance eggs, where the rush to rear layers has produced an overabundance of egg farmers that should have benefited the citizenry greatly by reducing prices of eggs, had it not been for the vendor middleman that depletes stocks but delivers to local areas while looking for their cut in the deal. Like mobile networks that unnecesarily overcharge customers when they detect an expensive phone,  such as a blackberry that gets shut out of data networks until the customer has negotiated a data plan, vendors also change prices depending on how the person in front of them looks or is dressed or the neighborhood they are selling in.

Life in Africa is expensive enough considering the funds available to governments for subsidizing, and it is counterintuitive on this level to let this situation go on unchecked.

I am not advocating for a society that does away with vendors altogether, but that there should be strict price controls, otherwise the government should take the initiative and cash in by stepping in as the just middleman making products available in communities nationwide.

Other than that, we should consider introducing a social welfare system.

We might lambast vendors but should not forget the causes of vending  and realize that helping out will make so much more better for us.

Word of caution for people experiencing directed energy and other forms of covert attack and torture planning on travel by plane ... Planes can be deadly for a travelling target especially when the trip has been predicted or the plans to travel are known about in advance, which is easy to do.

Board the vessel prepared for directed energy assaults that may even end up leading to your demise given the proximity  to your body of the attackers and also depending on what it is the trip is about. Issues sensitive to the program will attract killer attacks, obviously.

Once they know you are planning on boarding that flight they will pack it full to the brim with pervs sporting hand held directed energy devices. They may even violently drag some other passenger off to make room for a perv.

One thing you need to know is, because of the sensitive electronics on aeroplanes, and the fact pervs value their existences even though they are the most wrechid and useless out there, the majority of attacks on board planes are restricted to sonic weapons ... therefore wear good leather from top to bottom. Stitch a rubber vest to wear over a cotton vest and below your shirt, dress or whatever you don.

Wear a leather skirt or better yet a leather trousers because if they are frustrated reaching your heart and other chest organs they will go below ... to your rectum, causing stenches, your genitals, making you smell like you jacked off carelessly, your hip joints, giving you the funny step, or your knees, making you walk like you are high.

Anything to give the wrong impression to whoever you will hug or shake hands with when you land.

Also ... take with you a sheet of conducting material in your carry on, something the linked border police cannot jump on and claim looked like a bomb. A flatish wide metal plate or three inside a flat carry on that you can use as a back rest ... to protect your vital organs (most of those who attacked me were sitting behind me) just in case some handler gets desperate enough to command pervs to resort to radio frequencies and forego the danger they can interfere with the plane's electronics.

The days of laser weapons are with us people. There is no denying this fact. Militaries have long since put them onto satellites and drones and, where America is concerned or NATO, they are being used to micromanage world affairs. This means they are being used to clear the way for an eventuality in which America retains global hegemony. Yes! This means lots of targeted murders by satellite and drones and it is happening globally. There is use being made of pandemics and other diseases to explain away the deaths of a lot of people who are getting assassinated this way. Heart attacks and strokes are some of these. Directed energies can also cause semblances of a lot of diseases that people around will conclude caused someone to die and they include ebola and HIV/AIDS.

There is an even more sinister way these technologies are being used that include research into ways to manipulate the bio-organism. Watch the patents being filed by especially American inventors. A lot of people are being experimented upon to make most of them possible, without their consent. The lives of these people are being destroyed just so that some American scientists can boast internationally some announcement of a new way of doing one thing or a new contraption that does some other hi-tech thing.

Be prepared because you may be next.

You may end up on the elimination list for reasons you would not know about or they might pick you as a guinea pig to find out manners of tapping a mind the process of which turns you into a vegetable. Foil these demonic scientists. Help stop this trend by spreading the word and encouraging others to take to faraday cages.

Sleep in a faraday cage. Do not wait until you personally become a target before you start doing this. Start now!

A faraday cage around your sleeping space isn't unsightly. You can bring your girlfriend or boyfriend home and there are all manner of things you can say to explain this away, including sensitivity to electromagnetic smog, or mosquitoes if you live in the third world where a lot of these experiments are being conducted on people too superstitious to realize this. They'll be busy blaming strange things happening around them and to people as witchcraft and such.

If you are experiencing heating up of the back of your head and upper back around and below the neck especially at times when you take meals ... then welcome to the victims of directed energy assaults by drone and satellite club. These particular attacks can be done by perps as well if you live in a high rise and have neighbors above you but it is usually by drone or satellite.

The reason they strike you in that part of your body is because they are trying to use the softest path to your internal, vital organs. The trajectory actually bypasses the collar bone into the chest and the back of your head merely gets in the way given you are moving about.

If you are experiencing these attacks then they are attempting to wither you down by cooking the organs that sustain you in life ... the organs you use to breath (lungs) and circulate blood (heart) and absorb nutrients (stomach) etc. The beam used in these attacks does penetrate down to your abdomen even. Such attacks can sometimes be launched through your nether region when you are prone and they will go right up to the chest.

Just so you know.

Best defense, of course, is a faraday cage enclosure. Observe that targets being subjected to the attack will have the size of the neck reduced in comparison to older pictures and their head will hang at an odd angle.

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