Wednesday 7 September 2022

When NATO Military Drones and Satellites Swarm Your Skies

A burn on my calf (center of the red circle) sustained while I slept.

Most people sustain injuries when they are wide awake. They bump into something hard, fall down and hurt themselves, accidentally burn or cut themselves, and etc., but I sustain most of mine while sleeping. 

Yes, I prance with a spring in my step back to my home after the "goodnight's", "sleep well's", "see you tomorrow's", then emerge the next morning limping or on a walking stick. "Huh? What happened to you?" 

"Oh I sprained my ankle at night (while sleeping)." 

Close up of the attached image showing the strait line injury caused by a laser that's clearly designed for cutting flesh apart. 

The attached image shows an injury I sustained two nights ago in the calf muscle, as I slept. It doesn't look like much on the surface, just a small line of a scar that's sensitive to the touch in much the same way a burn is, with minor discolouration that's barely visible due to the hue of my skin, but it is a deep cut going all the way to the bone. It is what is known as a subdermal burn (burning under the skin) that has left the calf visibly swollen, and I am virtually incapacitated in my movements.

This isn't a good thing for me because I depend a lot on my legs to make money. I can hardly do my carpentry while hobbling about, right?

So what happened? How did this injury occur?

I was sleeping on my front when an extreme, linear (external to internal) burning sensation in the calf woke me up. As I awoke and turned onto my back in my bed, the burning sensation was followed by cramping, and I knew right away that I had been hit with two kinds of lasers in succession. The first caused the burning sensation as it cut into my flesh, while the second caused the extreme cramp after the fact. 

Why this combo? 

Cramping the muscles up after a laser cut is intended to increase the extent of the injury. Cuts with lasers alone hardly ever cause the kind of injury that can be impairing to movement, unless a muscle is severed or cut in its breadth. 

I immediately picked up the shield I use against the frequency I know was being employed for both attacks (a frequency that goes through almost everything except bio-matter) and covered the calf. I got immediate relief from the pain caused by the burn, and the cramping started to subside.

How much more do I need to know I am being attacked and it's not all in my head?

However, the damage had already been done by that time, and now what's left is to wait until the wound heals.

I know that the laser burnt its way to the bone because I could feel that, but I do not know the extent of the damage the cramping caused ... I will know this from the progression of the healing process. I would have been able to walk almost normally if it was just a laser burn, and healed on my legs (while out and about). I do that all the time with these constant assaults. 

But the cramping they caused after inflicting the injury may have caused damage the extent of which I can not know unless I get an x-ray analysis done.

What this all says is the fact the skies above this country are hardly those of a sovereign nation. And to add insult to injury, we have somebody in power that wants to make this worse by inviting AFRICOM to build a base here. This isn't going well, and it won't end well in the end.

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