Wednesday 15 December 2021

Western Culture is Indeed Barbarism Masquerading as a Civilization

And it's getting easier to prove this as the world changes, for, while France has been busy collecting billions annually from impoverished African countries in fulfillment of the "Pact for the Continuation of Colonialism", while America (read NATO)  has been invading (militarily or otherwise) country after another forcing regime changes for the purpose of the smooth theft of natural and human resources, while the west has been conducting holistic culls of third world populations to keep them dumb by devoiding them of their best, "something" has been happening in the east that is exposing the true nature, and specifically the worth of the west.

The world has been under a spell that has kept us considering western advancement as the apex of human development. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, we have kept on regarding them as the ones to emulate. Think of it as a Stockholm Syndrome of sorts that has more or less prevented the victims of western aggression from seeing the west in its true destructive and evil light, making us less inclined to reject western dictates, as well as not giving us the incentive to revolt.

It doesn't always take knowledge of a magic word or phrase to lift a spell.

You see, while the west has been busy with its usual schemes, secure in the knowledge that the rest are held in a trance like state by its wiles, the Chinese have been developing with leaps and bounds, and have come out with much to show for their hard work. They have demonstrated self reliance unmatched anywhere on the planet, and their dedicated efforts to advance have produced creativity and productivity that's also unmatched anywhere on earth which, compared to the west that has nothing but what equates to "playing house" to show for its nefarious activities mostly perpetrated on impoverished parts of the planet, is nothing short of miraculous if you consider the odds that were piled against them in the form of the very west, for the most part.

While the west rallied around the Eifel Tower, the obelisk at the Vatican, and the other in Washington DC, the Chinese have poured more concrete in their infrastructure projects in three decades than the west did since the industrial revolution. While the west has removed leader after another in impoverished countries in order to steal oil and other valuable resources, the Chinese have made more money than the sum total of gains the west made from international robberies since the Berlin conference, and bought up a lot of land and properties in especially the very same western countries with the same money made from honest commerce.

They have also been giving some of this money in loans to the very west to the point that currently, China is the biggest single lender of not "some" western countries, but "most" of them. America alone owes Chinese lenders about a trillion and a half dollars. 

The bottom line is the western model of success has been exposed as a fraud, and inimical to everything the human species stands for. In this sense, Chinese success is a godsend for humankind, and is absolutely essential to the prospects for survival and viability of many world communities blighted and endangered by the wiles of a dominant culture hell bent on gratuitous domination and destruction, in order to maintain global cultural and economic hegemony.

Only absolute success and excellence above and beyond the "clear scope" of the dominant western culture, by a culture that's completely independent of its tutelage, can break the spell that keeps nations bound to a block that only stifles and frustrates their best efforts.

Only then are the downtrodden able to address and remove their vulnerabilities to the west because it exposes, and makes it very clear, that the dominant culture has, in fact, an extremely low level of development, pointing out the truth basing the developmental state of their communities on the western standard is in truth wishing for degeneration.

The fact of this matter is that the west has retarded us in order to stay in control of our communities.

How else can it be explained when a single country does more in three decades than an entire western block has done in over a century in almost all spheres of human endeavor?

Apart from historical examples, Chinese success is the clearest current exposure of the truth that people thinking independently of, and apart from specifically western standards, have done well or better, and can do as well today, if not better, as is clearly the case with China.

Chinese success exposes the reality people around the planet are being held back from attaining their full potential by the dominant culture's manipulations. It exposes the negative nature of this influence where this fact is doubted, unknown or vaguely grasped.

It leads to a situation where it is clarified, even to the mentally challenged, that socio-economic extrication from the west and western standards can lead to real development, prosperity and viability.

Not only does Chinese success and excellence unveil the retarding effect of the dominant culture that's hidden from open view by the illusion promoted by the west itself that it is God's gift to humankind, and cause this domino effect, it also potentially assures that the destructive reign of this rogue system is not just reigned in, but relagated to the trash bin of history, permanently.

Simply put, it starts the process by which the dominant culture fails and humankind is freed ... by simply exposing it as a failed culture pretending to be the reverse as a way of keeping its head above water and, more importantly, it reveals the west for the pestilence that it truly is.


Mukazo Vunda said...

Trust the USA (NATO) to make a response to your article that proves the point you are making 😂!

Mukazo Vunda said...

I was thinking the other day. Did you know that the dominant culture deliberately avoids starting a debate as to why kemet (ancient Egypt) completely obliterated the highly advanced technologies they used in their civilization. This fact is quite easy to arrive at, actually. I have watched several attempts by westerners to explain how, for instance, the great pyramids were built. The latest film I watched is titled K2019 that's available to watch on YouTube. Striking about this film is how it avoids the clear hints it makes at the existence of highly advanced technologies. Take for instance the mere mention of the solstices. It is easy to know how a planet rotates around a star/sun if you are looking at it, not when you are sitting on it. It is possible to know that the planet is tilted on its axis when you are observing it from afar, but not when you are on it. It requires serious observation of the surrounding bodies, the seasons and cycles, to know of a tilt on an axis, but it is near impossible to use distant planets and stars to know the dimensions of the planet you are on. You need a mirror of it or, better yet, you need to be able to observe it yourself from up high. You need to be able to measure its circumference, the distance from the equator to the north and south pole. You cannot make a monument that is a scale down replica of a hemisphere such as the great pyramid is, by measurements alone. You cannot know the true north on a planet that's tilted on its axis by studying the angle at which sunlight hits your area. Ancient Egypt had highly advanced technologies, most of it more advanced than what exists today or this culture is capable of making. But they destroyed it all. In fact they obliterated it in a highly organised manner and just why they did it is perhaps fear of what it could be used for if it fell into the wrong hands. A look at the current dominant culture and the destruction it has wrought with an advancement built on knowledge gained from the very ancient Egypt shows us very clearly what the ancient Egyptians were afraid of. Imagine a barbaric culture had gained access to atomic energy tehnology in 2000 BC. Would anything be left of this planet?