Saturday, 25 February 2017
Lighting Up: A Concept Every Targeted Individual Should Know
Thermal image of an electrical circuit that is overloaded with an electric current
I think of a human body as electrical because of its dependence upon the flow of electric currents to function.
The human brain has long since been known to be the center of control of the organism, the part within which electrical impulses are generated, from which they emanate en route to the rest of the body and back. In this process, the brain controls muscles, cells and, when electrical impulses of a curtailed variant are pulsed, thought is generated.
It is also possible that, in the same manner consciousness itself is generated, ie., by circulation of curtailed variants of electrical impulses used to control muscles between the brain cells, there is also elsewhere in the body inter cellular and inter organ electrical impulse generation as well as communication.
It would follow from all this that the state of the body is dependent on how well these currents are flowing between the various parts.
From the moment we awaken, our brain takes charge of the entire body and, like a pilot on a plane at the helm of a fly-by-wire system, it sends out electrical impulses to individual muscles, and through coordinated fluxes of currents to cellular parts, controls posture, movement, etc., while curtailed variants of these impulses create thought.
As long as the brain is awake, subconsciously as science would have it, every posture we assume is due to its control, and this happens to be the reason we fall into a heap as soon as there is trauma to the brain that stops it, or disrupts the communication channels.
We see this phenomenon play out when pugilists are knocked out and, in this age of uncensored YouTube or WikiLeaks video footage, it is clearly seen when people get shot in the head. They just drop on the spot, and if they don't, then their brains have retained control because some or all of the internal electric flow is evidently still there.
Human physical activity is complex, there are so many more things we can do physically compared to other creatures.
We have the various facial expressions we use to communicate with other human beings ... all controlled by our brains. Other creatures may show expressions, but there is nary one species out there with as complex an array of expressions as the human animal.
Animals in the wild may communicate using symbols made up of sounds, and can relay quite a bit of info when they are at it, but not a single one is as unlimited in the number of things they can express as humans are in their languages. We have to learn to vocalize all the sound symbols that make this possible. We have to pronounce, move mouth and throat parts in complex ways to cope, and this obviously entails the development of complex electrical channels to the mouth and throat region and also the capacity to coordinate the flow of electricity so that we do this properly.
This, and much more, means there is so much more that our brains are kept busy with compared to other creatures, and this is the reason I believe we have the largest brains in relation to body size compared to most other animals. It's in the size of the thing (brain) that we can manage to do all that we do, that makes us what we are, and we can add to the capacities that makes us large brained mammals our ability to increase the coordination of our muscles with practice.
If you recall your experience of learning how to pronounce, draw, or write letters, then you would know exactly what I mean.
It seemed so simple hearing or watching others already versed at speech, writing or drawing do it, but when it came time to try it out ourselves, well ... It wasn't as easy. That word didn't quite come out as we wanted ... That hand didn't have what it takes to control the line we were drawing now, did it?
Soon however, we learnt to pronounce the word correctly. We learnt to control our hand (some cheated, and managed this sooner than others because they realized they could steady the hand by leaning into something) ... and added to that repertoire of capabilities where body control via electrical currents from the brains is key. And you can bet part of the brain grew in size to cope.
This is an empirical fact.
It has already been observed by way of experimentation that a part of a taxi drivers' brain grows bigger the more destinations in a given locale they know.
It should go without saying that external electric currents in the form of invasive microwaves that happen to course through our bodies, interfering with the body's own internal current flow, will wreak havoc on the balance of currents within. If they are perpetual and accumulate, they will precipitate abnormalities in coordination, cause dizziness, and sometimes interfere with thought so that insanity manifests or, in the case of targets of covert warfare constantly getting bombarded with microwaves, they can cause lupus, semblances of disease, personality changes, inability to cope with simple tasks, or overload the electrical system to the point the individual "lights up", as I call it, and the signs of this lighting up are there to see in the facial expression that develops afterwards.
The eyes of targeted individuals getting overloaded with currents will be the first to show the symptoms. Whereas previously, before they got permanently lit up, the individual had a relaxed expression, they will suddenly manifest with eyes that show a state of extreme tension, and this will be the case even when they are actually smiling or laughing, when their being is supposed to be showing signs of relaxation in a unified manner, from the top to the very bottom.
Eventually, the lighting up will cause accelerated wear and tear, which can result in rapid ageing. Signs of this will be enervation, greying of the skin, wrinkles, and rapid greying of body hair.
And this is all logical, if you think about it.
The system is being overloaded with electrical impulses. They will accumulate and the individual will end up being lit up electrically, causing them to be tense and stressed more times than they otherwise would be if this was not happening to them. This state of being will eventually drain them of energy.
But there are a number of things that a target getting bombarded with microwaves that are causing their electric circuits to get overloaded can do to alleviate the negative effects other than grounding or earthing to drain away the excess electricity by way of barefoot walking or touching grounded metals or just weighty metals like those found at traditional gyms that still stick to traditional metal disk weights on a metal bar. They include all remedies that make the body relax, such as Yoga, medicines that relax the body, etc. These remedies, I have found, also help against those negative electrical energies that aim to control the mind.
The main reason for this, I have surmised, is because, in lighting up, perps hope to heighten the intensity of the transmissions the mind of a target makes. This culmination is actually easy to arrive at by logical deduction.
The brain has to work that much harder to be able to control parts of the body or be heard, so to speak, over the noise of the interference. It has to do much more to control parts that are getting affected by this external electrical interference. The brain will also have to increase transmissions of the curtailed variant of impulses that generate thought because this part of the body will also be under fire. This will make the transmissions generated from the currents easier for perps to pick up with their gadgets, even from distances they otherwise would not if the target was not transmitting as intensely.
Being able to easily read transmissions means perps are able to respond more accurately to that particular brain.
The non-consensual experiment bears more fruit, and you can expect more of those patents being filed online for inventions related to mind reading and control technology.
Any exercise that has the effect of relaxing the body is a useful measure against this. Most of all, the target should ensure they regularly get into an area that protects them from directed energy assaults, especially the microwave variant, in moments when they cannot force their relaxation, which includes the time when they are fast asleep.
Posted by
Mukazo Vunda
Friday, 24 February 2017
The REAL Reason for the International Program Targeting Select People.
This is meant for targetted individuals worldwide, but it can also help those new to this phenomenon, and others who know it is going on but do not get it, get their heads around the heinous practice that is slowly but surely getting our world into an Idiocracy.
I went into detail over aspects of what Dally explains in my book hosted on this blog, explaining why heredity also becomes an issue in this process to hunt down a type, and why it has to move from when they are up and running, to when they do not know what is going on or are not yet born ... Read, learn, and please share widely ...
By Devin Dally
Get more of him @
Posted to the web: 24th February 2017
We have figured out the REAL reasons for ALL of us being targeted.
These are the answers you have been seeking... I'm going to go out on a limb here and describe you...
-You are open-minded, free-thinking and artistic.
-You have been somewhat of a misfit your entire life.
-You are spiritual and/or a truth-seeker. But most importantly,
Yesterday, many targets took a Myers Briggs personality test and shared their results in an effort to try and figure out what makes ALL of us similar. We expected that that would lead us to the real reason(s) we are being targeted.
We were right! Every single target has an N or an F or BOTH in their type. Feel free to test out yourself... test
Why Feelers?
We care more about how/what we feel vs how/what we think We are hard to control and will speak out and fight for what's right.
Why Intuition?
The intuition is directly related to the pineal gland, or third eye. If you know anything about the this gland, you'll understand. They have been fluoridating us to calcify this gland for a long time. They do NOT want our pineal glands or intuitions to function.
Plus, we're all artistic. We're a threat: We seek truth and have the ability to share that truth in creative ways that people will enjoy and be open to. We have the ability to spread any message through art and entertainment. They can profit: What happens when you put RNM and the art/music/entertainment industries together?
Free art, music and other entertainment.
We have established motives people! There's no way this is a coincidence. We are NOT crazy.
We are of the most intelligent and talented people on this planet. We still have our humanity in us. We have soul _____________________________________________ Let me explain everything else while I've got your attention...
TRAUMA is part of monarch mind control...a real thing. It is used to make you dissociate and splits your mind, creating alters, which can be "reprogrammed" without your awareness.
More on monarch mind control here ...
Stress also causes a "DIY" lobotomy... Read more here
FEAR is another thing they've always used to "control" people. I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer."
- Frank Herbert
So they put us through trauma throughout maybe our entire lives so that we are much more easily controlled and steal our creativity. I know there's more than this but the above is undoubtedly true. I also have a theory that they are trying to RNM every brain on the planet to create a supercomputer that makes the one from Eagle Eye look like a joke. They're playing God or should I say Satan...
I'm not one to believe in religious propaganda but I do believe that they are THE biggest threat to what's left of our humanity and have already taken our privacy, our peace, our liberty and our freedom and tossed away the idea like it means nothing.
Now they want to condition us not to feel!!! We are targeted because we're the only ones that would even try to stop them...
We NEED to work together to create art, music, videos and other forms of entertainment to get this info out to the public ASAP!!! Here's where we can do just that...
There is an 'Expressing Ourselves' section for us to share. Please quickly register an account on the site and get involved.
We have established a motive. We know we're ALL alike. We know we are all free-thinking, open-minded, artistic truth-seekers.. The rest of the world will know that's not a coincidence. They will believe us. The solution is not trying to stop the technology, because we can't.
They have been desensitizing us for decades through music, other forms of entertainment and more. Now it's up to US to create music and entertainment too. We need to RESENSITIZE as many people as possible. We need to put our minds back together and be all we can be.
This is REAL and it is imperative that we work together to do this!!! Ever seen the movie, Equilibrium? It's about the powers that be trying to remove "feeling" from human nature, which is what they are actually trying to do right now, to us. See for yourself...
Posted by
Mukazo Vunda
Thursday, 23 February 2017
Debunking the Out of Africa Theory
Out of Africa theory map showing origin, time period, and migratory routes out of Africa
Recently, I was re-reading the out of Africa theory, you know the one that is a conclusion based on mitochondrial mutations and mutations in the sex chromosome carried by men.
Very interesting. A very logical argument and very convincing because of this.
I could not help imagining myself tapping the scientists involved on the back, but as this image unfolded, the realisation started to dawn that there was something very wrong with the theory, something that makes it bogus, scientific crap, or, maybe just a tiny fragment of a whole truth that it cannot speak for or stand for.
So, I retracted my hand and moved back ... into the shadow of self, to think this over.
My attention had been called to another scientific fact that contradicted the theory. This one is found in the theory of evolution, particularly the survival of the fittest bit ... and it has to do with the known issue of the adverse effects on survivability as well as the genetic diversity of the group that is left with in-breeding as the only method of procreation.
One thing has become very clear from archaeological remains from the era the Out of Africa theory deals with, and it is that human groups were very small at the time the migrations out of Africa are supposed to have taken place. There were no large cities with millions of inhabitants, just clusters of villages with but a handful of people. Archaeological remains have it that these settlements seldom grew till they had hundreds of people.
Moving forward from that time to the present, we have to admit the genetic diversity found among sub-Saharan Africans is impossible if small groups of human beings, made smaller by constant migrations of people from their numbers, were left to breed their way into the future.
Such genetic diversity as is found on the continent does not occur spontaneously within a small population except by magic, and this has nothing to do with the real world but fiction.
There is only one way this can happen, and this is by constant migrations away from the group, and, as the different environments cause differences to arise between the separated people, remigration occurs before the negative effects of in-breeding have taken hold, otherwise one group will fail to breed with the other because they will find them too ugly or, there will be breeding but the offspring will not be very viable beings.
Remigrations back to Africa must have been repetitive for the current genetic diversity on the continent to happen. They must have become the norm at some point in pre-history, maybe even history, if we remember the populations that migrated into Ancient Egypt.
Fact of this matter is this, that people who had moved away from Africa into colder northern climes returned to Africa, then others moved away again but, after undergoing genetic alterations under different environmental circumstances, they flowed back into the African blood pool.
This is how Africa got genetically diverse.
Though this theory fails to pinpoint the exact geographical location where the first homo sapiens sapiens evolved, it shows very clearly that the Out of Africa theory misses the point ... by a wide margin, and also that it, like my theory, cannot pin point the origin of this species to which we belong.
The Out of Africa theory can fit perfectly into my theory once it is expanded upon, but it cannot be the explanation of the whole. It is, in fact, a tiny subset of my theory, and it is just a matter of time before it is officially exposed for the fraudulent attempt to racially delineate the origins of homo sapiens sapiens that it is.
Posted by
Mukazo Vunda
Gene Mining and the Eunuch Phenomenon
Gene Mining and the Eunuch Phenomenon
I have a confession to make.
I fathered a hundred children.
Don't get this wrong. I am not promiscuous at all, nor has there been a time in my life when I was.
I am the kind of man who falls in love with the woman I am dating. I love the one I am with, as the song goes. All of my relationships with the ones I loved were long lasting. They ended due to circumstances beyond the control of either one involved. I have children from these relationships, a daughter in the first one, a son in the second, then two girls in the third.
The hundred children I am talking about fathering were conceived by artificial means and though I the sperm is mine, I was not involved in the sperm donor part.
This is to say I never went anywhere to donate sperm. My sperm was taken then given or sold to sperm banks without my consent. This was done by females I went to bed with.
You may wonder what kind of person does this, more specifically how they knew that my sperm was worth anything at all. And though it is possible to make hundreds of kids from just a spoonful of sperm, it entailed many donations in my case because, as I was made aware, it wasn't just one woman who made the donation.
Now, how were they all led to this action?
I did wonder too when it was revealed to me by strange men who turned up at a spot I frequented. Strange men in a place they have never been to before talking strange things? lets just call them operatives or secret agents.
Just why they felt like letting me in on this secret I will never know. It is a strange or courageous, maybe foolish thing for someone to do when you realise the secrecy to which these men must have been sworn, but stranger things have happened in life.
They made no mistake about making it very clear they were talking about me.
Something in me gave when this was revealed to me, as it would in any man. The question on my mind then was why ... Why would someone do this to another man?
The answer to this question was one I actually already knew. It was blowing in the wind, as the saying goes.
Gene mining.
We may no longer take such concepts as miscegenation, or the opposite, which would mean encouragement of mixing for the sake of enriching the gene pool or, kind of paraphrased, the reason men ended up as eunuchs, for instance the Ethiopian Eunuch from the Bible while his sister would probably have ended up wed to a local man who didn't mind having 10 children with her.
Taking good genes from other races was something that was regularly done in the world of old, as was preventing those considered inferior from breeding into a tribe or group, hence the Eunuchs.
And we should all wonder at Alexander the so called Great. Was his father really the man who tried to kill him or was he the son of some warrior from ancient Egypt who was raised in a royal household because his warrior genes could prove useful some day?
It came as a surprise to me that gene mining was still an issue in this day and age because, clearly, someone had considered my genes worthy of adding to the greater gene pool of the population I had adopted without letting me know, without my consent. Someone was liable to get their genetic qualities abused.
And then it occurred to me that I did actually get to see some of the children from this wrong-doing.
Once while selling toys at a concert in the South of Holland, and don't ask how I ended up doing this, a woman approached my stand holding a toddler. A boy. They admired the toys displayed on the table but, while the boy retained interest, the woman decided to go and, as she left, the child in her arms made such violent turns in attempts to fix his eyes on what he liked on the table he made the woman lose her balance. And for a while there, I was afraid she was going to fall.
That ... the disproportionate show of strength given she had so much more weight than him ... was just like me at the age. And there was another thing ... he didn't start protesting like most babies would. I wondered whether he, like me at the age, believed the adults knew better than we little ones and it was foolish to protest. He did look like he controlled his emotions to me.
The second encounter was at a bus stop in London, shortly after Blair, the former Prime Minister, touched on the issue of sperm banks and anonymous donors.
A mother disembarked with two daughters who looked to be just below the teen age. Upon sight of me, one, then both called out daddy. As embarrassing an encounter as this was, the mother simply kept on walking, ignoring what was happening behind her, drawing the girls after her.
I stood transfixed as the driver asked whether I was boarding or not, and through it all, I noticed how much both of them resembled me, right down to my elongated nose and, starring as they walked behind their mum, I noticed their gait was shuffly, like mine.
At the time, I thought it was the resemblance that had made them think I was their father, but then in life people can resemble each other without this meaning they are related. And so I let that go, but would return to it after being told about my sperm being an item at local sperm banks.
I know for a fact that there are a number of kids running around in Europe who may not know their father, or they have been adopted by a man who has taken a role as their dad, who are in fact my children, and I believe that there are a good number of these ... maybe hundreds?
You see, as a conscious man, one who understands such needs, I take the words of those agents seriously.
Posted by
Mukazo Vunda
Debunking the Out of Africa Theory
Out of Africa theory map showing origin, time period, and migratory routes out of Africa
Recently, I was re-reading the out of Africa theory, you know the one that is a conclusion based on mitochondrial mutations and mutations in the sex chromosome carried by men.
Very interesting. A very logical argument and very convincing because of this.
I could not help imagining myself tapping the scientists involved on the back, but as this image unfolded, the realisation started to dawn that there was something very wrong with the theory, something that makes it bogus, scientific crap, or, maybe just a tiny fragment of a whole truth that it cannot speak for or stand for.
So, I retracted my hand and moved back ... into the shadow of self, to think this over.
My attention had been called to another scientific fact that contradicted the theory. This one is found in the theory of evolution, particularly the survival of the fittest bit ... and it has to do with the known issue of the adverse effects on survivability as well as the genetic diversity of the group that is left with in-breeding as the only method of procreation.
One thing has become very clear from archaeological remains from the era the Out of Africa theory deals with, and it is that human groups were very small at the time the migrations out of Africa are supposed to have taken place. There were no large cities with millions of inhabitants, just clusters of villages with but a handful of people. Archaeological remains have it that these settlements seldom grew till they had hundreds of people.
Moving forward from that time to the present, we have to admit the genetic diversity found among sub-Saharan Africans is impossible if small groups of human beings, made smaller by constant migrations of people from their numbers, were left to breed their way into the future.
Such genetic diversity as is found on the continent does not occur spontaneously within a small population except by magic, and this has nothing to do with the real world but fiction.
There is only one way this can happen, and this is by constant migrations away from the group, and, as the different environments cause differences to arise between the separated people, remigration occurs before the negative effects of in-breeding have taken hold, otherwise one group will fail to breed with the other because they will find them too ugly or, there will be breeding but the offspring will not be very viable beings.
Remigrations back to Africa must have been repetitive for the current genetic diversity on the continent to happen. They must have become the norm at some point in pre-history, maybe even history, if we remember the populations that migrated into Ancient Egypt.
Fact of this matter is this, that people who had moved away from Africa into colder northern climes returned to Africa, then others moved away again but, after undergoing genetic alterations under different environmental circumstances, they flowed back into the African blood pool.
This is how Africa got genetically diverse.
Though this theory fails to pinpoint the exact geographical location where the first homo sapiens sapiens evolved, it shows very clearly that the Out of Africa theory misses the point ... by a wide margin, and also that it, like my theory, cannot pin point the origin of this species to which we belong.
The Out of Africa theory can fit perfectly into my theory once it is expanded upon, but it cannot be the explanation of the whole. It is, in fact, a tiny subset of my theory, and it is just a matter of time before it is officially exposed for the fraudulent attempt to racially delineate the origins of homo sapiens sapiens that it is.
Posted by
Mukazo Vunda