Monday, 27 April 2020
US Torpedoed the Entire Global Economy to Stop China’s Rise
This is very interesting news that Israel is now saying that US intelligence warned them in November about a potentially catastrophic pandemic in Wuhan, China, and apparently other US allies were also warned in November.
This confirms what ABC News reported earlier this week and, of course, the Trump administration denied it. You’re not supposed to believe anything until it’s been denied maybe twice or three times. So we’ll have to wait for a couple more denials before we can be sure that this is true.
But assuming it is—and we’ve got these different sources now telling us that this is true—this is quite mind-blowing, because China did not become aware of this problem until December 31st.
So if US intelligence knew that there was a potentially catastrophic pandemic developing in Wuhan, China, in November, it means US intelligence knows what’s happening in Wuhan, China, better than the Chinese do.
And the only reason that that would be the case would be if the US had planted the virus there.
US notified Israel about coronavirus in mid-November: Israeli TV
US intelligence agencies gave Israel an advance warning of an emerging coronavirus outbreak in mid-November, according to a report.
Now that sounds like an outrageous hypothesis, but it’s really not if we understand how geopolitics operates, how covert operations take place.
And if we understand the complete lack of normal morality and ethics among people who are in charge of foreign policies we understand why it is far more probable than not that US intelligence was indeed behind this, although given that the Israelis are pointing their fingers at the Americans, maybe the Israelis were involved too and want to offload some of the blame—who knows.
Certainly the attack on Iran would implicate the Israelis.
In any case, the US desperately needs to stop the rise of China to number one world power status. To do that it has to slow down Chinese economic growth considerably, which has been in double-digits for almost 40 years.
The only way to do that would be to torpedo the entire global economy and find a way to try to break the global supply chains so that the economy would become less globalized and individual countries would be looking elsewhere rather than to China for their goods, to get infrastructure through such projects as Belt and Road and so on.
If history continues on the trajectory that it was on before the coronavirus, the Chinese are going to rule the world within a decade or two. There’s no question about that. And that is absolutely unacceptable to the American decision-makers.
They had to find some way to bust up the globalized economy and in particular to try to strike at China. This appears to be what they’ve done.
Now, they’re saying that they’re going to steal China’s investments in US treasuries to the tune of trillions and trillions of dollars as supposed compensation for the virus.
So the US propaganda push among the extreme anti-China crowd here in the United States is to blame China. The push is to use this as an excuse to destroy China’s economic leverage by stealing Chinese investments in US treasuries and to attempt to de-globalize the world.
All of this points straight at the usual suspects. The same people who did 9/11 in order to launch their war on Islamic civilization as the beginning of the clash of civilizations, now realize that the civilization that is the most threatening to their continued hegemony in the world is Chinese civilization.
This is the first strike of World War III as the US is preemptively striking China not so much with the virus itself but with the massive publicity and the historical effect that will happen due to this virus, as they can smear China, as they can try to convince other countries to stop trading so much with China, and as they attempt to de-globalize the world economy so that they can freeze the world the way it is, where the US still has the vast preponderance of military power.
Dr. Kevin Barrett is an American author, journalist and radio host with a Ph.D. in Islamic and Arabic Studies. He has been studying the events of 9/11 since late 2003. He recorded this article for Press TV website.
Published by Press TV
Article available here:
Posted by
Mukazo Vunda
Saturday, 25 April 2020
Why it is Imperative that Activists for Systemic Change Include Covert Warfare in their Teachings
There is a lot that is wrong with the current dominant culture, and it should come as no surprise that we witness many feeling compelled to take to activism in writing, lectures by video, lecture hall, on websites and social media, etc., in order to raise awareness of this fact, by this advocating systemic change.
Raising awareness in the sleeping masses of the nature of the system they live in, and its nefarious agenda for them and progeny, is now considered the most important hurdle that has to be crossed for change to become possible.
Despite the numerous and often mysterious deaths of major activists, including in this list whistle-blowers, inventors, microbiologists, scientists, proponents of holistic medication, etc., the number of activists championing causes related to this truth have been on a constant rise.
It is to understand from this that this activism will not easily be suppressed. It is indomitable.
It's often the case that the individuals who busy themselves with the task of de-brainwashing the public in books, on the pulpit, etc., have done their research well. But then, unfortunately, there is no possibility that any of what these informed individuals are risking their well-being and lives for will come to pass. They will not manage to rouse the masses from slumber, or even come close to that, because a reality about today's world that will easily, effortlessly prevent this from happening is being ignored.
A movement for change, or even just one seeking this from within the system itself, while leaving the whole intact, cannot succeed unless it knows what all the odds to its success are, unless it dares to acknowledge the existence of the overt as well as covert control mechanism that the leaders of the system utilise to prevent change. Activists have to be prepared to deal openly with all issues, to openly acknowledge the potential, if not probable use of all methods of repression not just in their personal lives, but those of the people they are trying to awaken as well.
This means that they should not just concentrate on exposing truths about the system, but also ensure they learn and teach about covert warfare, that they know it is the mainstay of the cabal in control's method of stifling descent, thus preventing change. They should learn to recognise and expose or effectively counter it, as well as impart what they learn to those they are attempting to awaken. This does not just apply to people willing to take to arms against the system, but to those who want to peacefully better some things that are ailing or endangered as a result of systemic agendas.
In other words, raising awareness in people of the machinations of covert warfare should be as important as raising the awareness of the masses to the ways of the system. Covert warfare is in fact integral to the system, and should be acknowledged as such.
It needs to be understood that the time when taking to the pulpit alone as an effective means of fostering change is long since gone. The system has ensured that this is so.
Today, organisations, or the demonstrations and protests they may organise, can only succeed in objective if there is no hi-tech covert interference to them, or they are deliberately created by the system itself. If the system does not want an organisation, its meetings or activities, for instance demonstrations, to succeed, there are more effective ways of doing this than were available to the same system during the days in the distant past when the pulpit as a means to change stood a chance of success.
We live in an era when those who lead have taken fully to hi-tech means of control and domination in the form of energy weapons ... in the hands of operatives or, better yet, on-board satellites. These means, that can be applied to anyone anywhere on our planet, are not just being used in response to situations as they happen, but pre-emptively as well.
It is already a fact these technologies have long since been operational where influencing moods is concerned. They can very easily put an end to any activity those not happy with the culture start, by simply relying on the effects energy weapons can have on the mind's functioning. As such, when the need arises, they can be deployed to destroy people thought capable of starting movements against the system in future or, when the event is just happening, to instill in organising, meeting or demonstrating masses moods that work against their interests.
They can instill an overpowering sense of fear in demonstrating masses that makes them feel strongly that dispersing is the most reasonable thing to do in the moment. They can instill rage in gatherings that plays into the authority's hands when the masses become aggressive as a result of this influence then go on to take the law into their own hands. They can also simply incapacitate the masses and make what would otherwise be an easy thing to do a feat impossible to achieve, and so on.
And it is not the case that the system has only just recently taken to the use of hi-tech and covert methods to control people. As far back as 1989, according to a claim made by Walter Bowart, the American author of "Operation Mind Control", one group of British females demonstrating against American nuclear weapons in Britain were attacked with a microwave weapon as they protested. His claim was given credibility by symptoms presented by the demonstrating females that pointed to microwave exposure. These included anomalies with menstrual cycles, spontaneous abortion, other (unspecified) feminine problems, retinal burning, inner ear problems and rapidly growing tumours.

"Arab Spring" Map
It is with a lot of information at hand that I can state with confidence that I do not believe what has been referred to as the "Arab Spring" was a series of events that were the product of the state in the region of the "Revolution of Rising Expectations". There was, in all the episodes of mass protest in the middle east, a lot that pointed to the fact moods were being remotely influenced. There were even statements made that arrogantly pointed this out.
The "unfolding chapters after chapters to come" statement the infamous Henry Kissinger made on the legacy (mainstream) media could not possibly have been alluding to natural but contrived events. Henry Kissinger is not a psychic, and there are no "precogs" at the pentagon, yet his predictions came true.
The Arab Spring was obviously deliberately made ... and guided along, using most probably directed energy technologies in the hands of operatives at the scenes of each uprising, or camped out at different military (maybe even residential) spots around the globe controlling energy weapons on-board satellites. Only this explains the cock-suredness with which western officials predicted the outcome of the events in the middle east. They could not have been this sure had they only had social media and demonstration infiltration to rely on for the course the events took. They were using something else for control of the mood of the masses, something unknown and completely beyond the grasp of the demonstrating and rioting masses, as a result something they were sure could not be defended against.
The events that we witnessed in the middle east are, for me, the evidence the world needs to reference and study in order to know and make known the fact it is today extremely easy to control masses who are not aware, on the look out for, or mounting defences against the massive use of directed energy technologies. We can possibly even add some major genocides witnessed in various regions of our planet to the list of events to study, especially those that bear clear hallmarks of experimentation with new technologies on a massive scale.
The genocides of Bosnia and Rwanda come to mind here.
Today, organisations, movements, demonstrations, etc., need not be infiltrated to destroy them from within. There is no longer the need to assassinate a leader. Energy weapons can be applied and they will work effectively to that end without leaving any sign of their use. The capacities of leaders of these organisations to lead can be interfered with by simply turning them into targets of covert warfare or Targeted Individuals. Their personalities can then be destroyed, their mental health ruined, until they can no longer find it in them to run the organisation they created, and if someone else takes over, then, as long as they do a good job of it, they too will be turned into targeted individuals.
What should be clear from all of the evidence gathered to date about remote directed energy manipulation and attack, is the stark reality the old ways of merely taking to the pulpit will no longer do, and this applies not just to demonstrations, organisations, but to freedom fighting outfits that are bound to get created once they become necessary.
The road that led up to the inventions that are currently being used to covertly stifle descent starts in the late 1800s after doctors realized electrical stimulation of the brain could cause physical movement in humans and animals. This culminated in the 20th century into experiments involving brain stimulation that successfully changed a patient's mood and behavior. When electromagnetic frequencies were applied to the process, it no longer became necessary to connect the target with wires to the machine or implant them with electrodes that acted as interfaces to it.
The control could be done remotely, on anybody, regardless they were exposed in the open or in the privacy of their home. These technologies enable through the wall viewing and assault.
Some of these technologies are actually known about and the manner they work is pretty strait forward. There are also patents that have been filed for the inventions and their inventors are known.
Dr. Patrick Flanagan invented the Neurophone in 1958. It is an electronic nervous system excitation device that transmits sound through the skin directly to the brain, for which he received U.S. Patent no. 3393279 in 1968.
This technology was applied with success in Iraq where, as the allies stormed the country, voices were beamed into the heads of Iraqi soldiers commanding them to surrender. The poor soldiers heard this as a directive from their almighty God Allah and, ignorant of V2K (Voice to Skull), the name the technology is called today, thought Allah was addressing them directly and obeyed.
The Lilly wave, named after its inventor Dr Lilly, is a bi-phasic electric pulse which stimulates the neurons of the brain to resonate at a certain frequency, thus the Lilly wave has the ability to control the brainwave patterns of the brain. There is however a far more advanced form and a largely unknown and suppressed purpose in the use of the Lilly Wave. The water molecules within the brain can be made to resonate at a desired frequency thus causing the electrons that comprise the brains electrical voltages to also resonate at the same frequency.
It is not a requirement, as is understood by the majority of science, to implant electrodes to cause the brains water molecules to be entrained to a certain frequency, it can also be accomplished by any waveform that can penetrate the skull and cause the entrainment of the brains water molecules. For example, radio waves emitted at a frequency of 40hz, targeted at a person's brain, will entrain the water molecules to a degree of 40hz and thus the rest of the brain's electrons will resonate at such a frequency.
In this manner it is possible to stimulate and control the brain wave patterns remotely, with electromagnetism and also acoustic waves … in short, the Lilly Wave is best described as a targeted resonance of the brain's molecules.
The lilly wave can thus be used for brain entrainment. It can be used to induce moods once the mood's frequency is known. This technology has been demonstrated to work. In other words, it's operational.
I believe there is enough evidence pointing to the fact that the system has been busy ensuring the failure, by remote manipulation, of any venture with the potential to throw a spanner into the works and, as long as people choose to shy away from the covert warfare aspect of today's social battles, they will blunder into the same hell-fire that ensures they fail to deliver themselves from evil.
The system has been ensuring its longevity and has done a very good job of this. It is currently formidable and one way it gave this truth away was in covert attack activities on singular individuals that became pronounced with the advent of technologies mentioned above, giving rise to Targeted Individuals who comprise people being pinned down because they are feared by figures in authority, and others who are being experimented upon to develop the same covert torture and elimination technologies, who also belong in the targeted individual category. There was however one thing all people being attacked to keep them out of the game, or experimented upon, had in common: they were all tagged with an RFID implant.

RFID chip implant
The advent of RFID chips came with increasing reports of people getting tagged without their knowledge or consent. The question one needs to ask is why there was this need all of a sudden. There are good reasons why a paranoid system will want to tag those they fear, some obvious, others not so obvious.
The secret and forcible implantation of the American inventor James Walbert is a good example of the latter. Even when he later fell into the Targeted Individual category, and eventually identified himself as such, he started off by winning a court case he filed against his former employer, whom he was convinced was behind his implantation and the electronic attacks he had been experiencing on his person and property. However, as he went about attempting to find a surgeon who could remove his implant, he discovered after 5 refusals to help that they feared more than just one man. James Walbert hadn't been implanted by a single man out for revenge, but by a man working for the system.
James Walbert
Another American inventor, Bob Boyce, successfully had a second secretly implanted RFID chip surgically removed around the same time James Walbert was going through his ordeal. And if the fact the two men were both inventors raises your eyebrows, then you are on the right track. This is about control or ownership of their brains.
I do believe that we all have unknowingly witnessed instances that tell us clearly why it was suddenly necessary for some party to start tagging as many people as they did once the capacity to reduce RFID tags to minute sizes had been attained. We have seen, without being consciously aware of this, the fruits of a program started in the past by western intelligence agencies involved with the mass covert implants that wanted to use RFID chips, and the global coverage combining them with satellites gives, in future global intelligence operations.
I believe the main purpose for which many got and continue to be tagged, without their knowledge or consent, locals as well as foreigners alike, is to pre-empt scenarios in which talented people give the best of their minds to those considered enemies, and others opposed to the system go into hiding and fight back, then eventually gain the upper hand. The point was and remains to preempt a scenario where too many people find ways to disappear from the radar and launch debilitating assaults on the system from hidden positions. The people selected for implantation were those who were seen as potential leaders of such revolts, helpers or aids, followers, or those who merely had the personality profile that would attract then to such underground, off-the-radar groups.
The regions where this forethought has been massively rewarded are mainly those where the most wars are being fought today, which is the middle east. Here, I am sure that sometimes when we hear of the capture or deaths of fighters important to groups fighting to retake their lands from foreign forces, we are in fact unknowingly witnessing the success of the targeted electronic tagging program. Men, and women, who became disenchanted with the system, or sought to take their country back from invaders, took to ways that, like taking to the pulpit, can no longer work unless covert warfare, and the entirety of its machinations, have been acknowledged, and effective means of defense have been sought, found and shared. They went into hiding, in mountain ranges, forests and such but, unbeknownst to them, some among them were RFID tagged.
Don't get me wrong with this. I do not mean to say the old ways of incapacitation and elimination, such as poisoning, or outright assassination, etc., have been abandoned. They are still being used but to a lesser degree than before. This is mainly because they are less effective than the novel methods, either because of the fact they create martyrs, or can be defended against because people usually see them coming.
Bottom line is it is absolutely impossible now for any freedom fighting movement to succeed unless they include in their lives and teachings covert, hi-tech methods of control. Eventually, when push comes to shove, it will become inevitable to go into hiding, and continue fighting from there. Those who will take to the hills, jungles and bush to continue their war to redeem the masses from an oppressive system will only succeed if they deal with the possibility they could have their hiding places discovered by the presence in their midst of the tagged. They will only succeed if they know how to keep their thermal signatures low. They will only succeed if they know how to shield from directed energies, how to identify if not block out V2K, etc. Not only will such movements in such scenarios only stand a chance of succeeding if they don't just work extra hard to avoid being zapped by weapons on-board spying satellites, or have their personalities tampered with, but also be up to date with the latest in RFID technologies, know how to detect and disable them in order to prevent giving their global co-ordinates away.
Posted by
Mukazo Vunda
An Early and Portentous Cold Season in a Covid19 Context
Picture of a completely overcast northern sky taken at 7am this morning
It is not every year that the winter in the savannah arrives this early. There are rare times when this happens, but usually when this occurs, there are the accompanying signs of the early advent of a cold season as well.
For example, the morning starts off cloudy, but right after dawn, the clouds part and the sun intermittently shines through. This pattern where the sun shines then goes behind cloud cover and emerges again is repeated until noon, when the sun finally gets its way.
Then come days when the cloud cover persists throughout the day, and yet others when the sun shines throughout.
This early winter, or cold season (as it is known in the savannah), is totally different. It adheres to a strict pattern that is repeated daily, that gradually gets more intense as the days go by, the overcast skies getting the upper hand with time.
The cold season in this part of the savannah usually starts in June. This year, however, it started towards the end of march, a full 2 months earlier than usual.
This early, pretimely, and intense start of the cold season is a bad sign in light of the speculated fact the Covid19 virus thrives in a cold environment.
Given the demonstrated capacity of the west to easily control the weather in any part of the world they choose, I wouldn't be surprised if the strange weather phenomenon is geoengineering by the west with intent to create the conditions that promote a Covid19 pandemic in the "southern parts" of Africa, or at least enable western experts to have an excuse to explain why the pandemic started at this time here, given African "experts" are still beholden to western expatriate advise, like the independence leaders were.
I placed the "southern parts" in quotations above because I want to make you aware that the continent is split in half by the equator. When it gets cold in the south it gets warm in the north and vice versa.
This is an important fact to keep in mind because if the cold aids the pandemic in the south, then the equatorial regions, and the north where the sun is headed, should be spared. Questions should be asked why the part of Africa above the equator didn't experience a pandemic already given they have been in a cold season thus far.
I feel it is essential to state that the cold I am experiencing at night feels artificial, especially in the middle of the night when it is most intense. It feels like a sound or electromagnetic frequency generated cold. Don't ask me how I know this. It is almost impossible to keep warm, regardless the amount of bed cover used.
I live in the savannah but have lived in the cold north for an extended period before. I know that, no matter how cold it gets, there should always be a given number of blankets or duvets that you can pull over yourself that suffice to keep the cold out, provided you are raised from the floor/ground, or sufficiently insulated from it.
My statement about the capacity of frequencies to modify the weather shouldn't be taken as empty speculation. it is perfectly possible to decrease or increase the temperature in a room, a location or region, with sound or electromagnetic frequencies alone. The western world has been manipulating weather on a global scale and have the physical infrastructure in place to do this anywhere on planet earth.
Keep in mind also the known fact that in desert regions where little to no cloud cover decks the ground, nights are very cold. This phenomenon is due to the fact the cloudless skies enable heat to escape as cooler air fills the void. Here in the savannah, this season, it has been overcast at night which should increase the temperature given the heat from the previous day has an impediment to its escape.
Instead, it's getting abnormally cold at night.
Another picture, this time of the southern overcast sky, also taken at 7am this morning.
Posted by
Mukazo Vunda