Friday, 1 November 2019
Deconstucting David Lawson's Terrorist America
This is a lengthy read, but well worth the time if you are a Targeted individual that wants to stay rooted. This is an ongoing project actually, and we are right on track. This project should be based not just on David Lawson, but other people who have provided us with inside knowledge of how the targeting program is run, albeit with points that have to be "deconstructed", to bring the whole in line with the reality of targeting proper.
I have visions of a time when MK-Ultra slaves are incorporated into this deconstruction process, because most of the bizarre behaviors perps display can only be explained when this reality is in the equation.
This article was found at
Deconstucting David Lawson's Terrorist America
This is a purely subjective report on some pages of Terrorist Stalking in America which I gathered from the who is a rat website. This information is raw and unedited, and in some instances really sarcastic. The portions in quote are my subjective opinion on what was written.
Author talking:
One day, several years ago, I was sitting in my house, and checking out the activity on my scanner. I heard a woman say that she was following a certain vehicle. She gave the location, the make and model of the car and the license plate number. A few days later, I heard the same woman on the same frequency say that she needed a bit of help at a certain location and a few days after that I again heard her broadcasting the position and details about another vehicle she was following. I listened to other people talking on that frequency and they didn’t give any indication that they were with any government agency but they were talking about arresting people.
Well did they give you any indication that they were Citizen Informants following a suspect? In their usual very poorly trained way, I can see that this senario could have happened, cause the citizen informants have various levels of training.
On another occasion, on the same business band frequency, I heard someone complain that an African American man was crossing the street. “All we could get him for is jaywalking” responded the leader.
People in the group would discuss where they would go for supper, after their shift was over, so I [the author] went too. I listened to a group of people openly discussing various activities as if they were the police.
Could it be that they were helping the police and felt like part of the team?
Real police officers were also sitting in the restaurant, listening to them. I later learned that their presence was not a coincidence.
Ofcourse it wasn’t.
One man who had supper with the group drove a van marked with the call letters of a local am radio station. I started listening to it. Most of the guests were people who said they had new revelations about Waco or Ruby Ridge, or had some inside story about government corruption. I also heard advertisements for the meetings of a local political group and I attended some.
At the first meeting I attended, one young man flashed a phony police badge at me. No one paid any attention. Some of those in attendance were the people I had seen in the local restaurant. This was my introduction to the creepy world of extremists.
If you want to call citizen groups extremist go ahead. Maybe by some psychiatrist terms they meet the definition who knows.
I have observed extremist groups for several years while living in New York state, Florida, and Canada. I monitored their public communications, attended meetings, rode with them and I spoke with supporters and victims. I had lunch in the same restaurants they frequented and I listened to their conversations.
Cause stalking is one of the tactics used by these groups to intimidate their adversaries. The primary characteristic of cause stalking is that it is done by large groups of people. A target will always be followed, but he is unlikely to see the same stalkers very often.
Funny how the same thing works with the foot patrol surviellance. When they are on foot patrol, cause they take different shifts.
There are a variety of types of stalking, including casual acquaintance stalking, stranger stalking, celebrity stalking, stalking of juveniles, revenge stalking, electronic stalking, serial stalking, intimate partner stalking and cause stalking. Of all these types, cause stalking affects the smallest number of victims but involves the largest number of stalkers. Many of these groups include hundreds of people. A description of the various types of stalking is given in Appendix A, at the end of this book.
Cause stalking has been used by extremist groups since the early 1990s. The basic system is alleged to have been developed by the Ku Klux Klan and refined through years of use.
The number of extremist groups across the country and the number of their supporters is small by comparison to the overall population, but it is growing, particularly in rural areas. These groups have appeal to those who have feelings of inferiority, powerlessness and anger.
So do the community groups, how odd. Powerlessness against drugs, pedophiles etc. Inferiority due to various issues and anger, cause of stuff that happens in society, so they join these community programs and agree to work with the police to make their communities safer.
Some authors refer to cause stalking as terrorist stalking. Groups do not just stalk individuals. They employ organized programs of harassment which include break-ins, property damage, assault and occasionally, even death.
Unfortunatly so did Cointelpro with the blessing of the state.
The children of a target are a favorite. One extremist leader told me that his group could do whatever a target can do and go wherever he goes. “We will do anything to achieve our objective,” he said.
Groups are well financed. They can afford to rent property wherever the target lives. If he drives across the country, he will be followed by supporters of similar groups in that area. If he travels by plane, group members will meet him wherever he lands. They may even accompany him on a plane if they know his travel plan, and there is a good chance that they do.
community groups and the like can be financed by the state, and do get money for surviellance if they are helping out. The state will pay them, to follow a target, get a plane ticket. Just fill out a report.
The tactics described here have been used for many years by abortion protesters on those who provide abortion services. Typically, everyone who works in a clinic is targeted. Over the years, other groups across the country have also begun to use these tactics because they are successful.
Groups describe their methods as FACT (first amendment, chaos and tactics) which they borrowed from the militia movement. These groups are a threat to our democracy because they have the capability to destroy the life of anyone they choose and his family, unless they are wealthy enough to isolate themselves. There is very little information on the tactics used by extremist groups. That is why I wrote this book. I am hoping that the revelation of their tactics will help end their use. When they are no longer a secret, they will not be effective.
Cause after 12 years of hanging out with them, you got bored did you? Remember people this came out in the year that 9/11 happened, when they knew they were going to start up full Cointelpro opperations again. I have written about this before. Two Coinetelpro targets had been left alone for 25 years, after 9/11 they were rounded up.
Chapter 2: Who Are These People?
[p 16]
The people who are attracted to these groups which engage in cause stalking are those who feel powerless, inferior and angry. Some of them appear to have mental problems. Ordinarily, these people would be too timid to engage in stalking and harassment because they are cowards, but once they have been empowered by a group which they perceive to be all-powerful, many become addicted to it. It fulfills some of their human needs. When they are with the group the feel brave and they are bravest when they are in their vehicles. Groups are primarily composed of uneducated white males, but the appeal of these groups is so small that other races are allowed to join. There are a variety of different groups involved. A book called “Harvest of Rage, by Joel Dyer, which was published in 1998, gives an idea of the full spectrum of groups involved.
Yeah cause they are parts of these community policing programs. It’s the cult mentality of belonging.
Recruits tend to be blue collar workers who are at the bottom end of the job scale. They are janitors in apartments, hotels, etc., who have keys to get in any locked doors. They are security guards, who can let fellow members into places where they would not normally be allowed to go. They are city workers, who can, in many cities, follow a target around all day in their vehicles or have a noisy project underway near his [target’s] residence. They are taxi drivers, who are always on the road. They are cable, telephone and electric company employees who can interfere with a target’s service and spend time on patrol with the group, while they are on the job.
The above is pretty much true, and this is the same group that T.I.P.S. was going to target. These types are always useful because they have access. They join because they can feel useful, empowered. Community policing yeah.
Firemen across the country, and even some police departments have a long history of supporting extremist groups. Fire trucks can sometimes be seen riding in extremist convoys, with their flashing lights turned on and their sirens screaming. They will also race to greet a convoy which is entering their town. The participation of firemen, city workers and utility company workers helps give group members an illusion of legitimacy and power.
They can also be seen supporting these stupid community policing programs, by riding around in the city with them. Everytime I go missing and they can’t find me, there goes the firetruck, or when I use to have the RFID with me, they would drive by and then just make a noise as they passed where I was. It’s not an illusion of legitimacy, the state approves this. It’s wrong what they are doing, but they approve it.
Most group members have only a general idea of the ideology of the group but
they don’t particularly care. They are having fun with their friends and that fun involves stalking and harassing various targets and engaging in other civil disobedience. They believe that they are justified in engaging in these activities because of the “higher purpose” of the group.
This is true, many do not realise that they are driving innocent people to their deaths. Yes they don’t really care, cause they just want to belong. ow. They are having fun, they are spies, they belong, they are hunting a dangerous target, it’s so stupid. They do get to break some rules, but it’s state approved. The higher purpose of keeping the city safe. Ow here is your hero cookie.
Groups focus their energies on recruiting angry blue collar workers and young people. They are constantly recruiting because they have such a high turnover rate. Most recruiting is done initially on the basis that the group is a bunch of nice people to be around. Potential members are questioned about their political beliefs and the purported purpose of the group is revealed later, in stages. Then the power of the group is revealed through staged events. Staged events involve displays of the power of the group. This could involve having a fire truck and/or city and other vehicles parade past a certain location at a certain time, or having the lights to a certain part of town shut off at a certain time, or having some vehicles, boats, and trains all blow their horns at a certain time. New members are empowered by becoming “investigators”. Most never know the true purpose of the group.
I don’t know what the turn over rate is for the community policing programs or other such programs are, maybe someone could supply some stats? They do seem nice, if I was not a target, I might have joined a community policing group and not realised what was going on. Thank God I wound up on this side of the blanket, it’s not pleasent, but the otherside is worst. These people are asked questions, read Nikki Rapanna report about her experience with these, or watch the one nation under seige documentary. I am sure that people are impressed with this network once they see it, I don’t think many realise it will lead to their eventual enslavement. It’s all good.
Some do write up reports, cause you know they are helping investigate us dangerous targets, and it’s all so hush hush, and they are oh so cool.
Many groups pay for the gas of those who “ride” with them. They also provide free towing and a restaurant meal or two. Many of those who do “ride” with these groups, do so for these benefits because they are poor, and not because they support the cause. All group members are considered to be disposable and they are used until they cannot be used any longer.
I don’t know if community watch group members are disposable, I guess so. They do get perks. Gas, free phones, and as long as the calls relate to the investigation, they don’t pay the bill. This is what I have read.
Some group members are paid for the hours they work, but they are the ones who are most destitute. These people do not run away when the police crack down on the group. The pay they receive (in cash) is much less than minimum wage and they are not paid for all the hours they work. Groups do not pay for any [traffic] tickets their members receive or for their cell phone bills.
Snitch pay, community spy pay, and then the just voluentees. Oh and traffic tickets get paid for as well, same as tehe phone bills. Remember when I just started researching this, and I read that. Plus they get cars donated, that’s why they all looked a certain way. This is in the early Gang Stalking research.
Those in occupations which can help groups further their goals are of special interest. These include those who can control services, like phone, cable and electric company employees. City employees can be used to harass a target in many ways including tearing up the road in front of a target’s home. Employees of pest control businesses who have access to the keys for apartments and those who work for alarm and locksmith companies are also of interest.
The same was true for T.I.P.S. they do want these types, it’s always the same. East Germany etc. Same M.O.
Not everyone associated with these groups is a supporter. Some individuals can be duped by appealing to their sense of patriotism. Others are paid for the favors they can offer with sex, drugs, alcohol or money. Since the groups operate as cults, members will do whatever they have to in orderto attempt to get what they need.
You have a range on how people are recruited and used. So the rewards also very. The snitches vs community informants, vs voluenteers who just love their country. There is nothing wrong with loving your country. I loved mine deeply, till I found out they were psycho’s capable of doing this to their own citizens.
Another group which is of special interest for recruiting purposes is young people. Groups capitalize on their needs to belong and to be endowed with responsibility. They are given a sense of identity and belonging to a “higher purpose”.
The young are always recruited for this stuff, they have time to burn and they need money, plus it’s an adventure. Worked like a charm in Germany.
The Leaders
Group leaders derive financial and/or political power from their groups and in general they remain isolated from the activities of their followers. They identify targets through broadcasts on right wing radio stations, on the internet or in print articles. They may hold public meetings but they do not meet privately with supporters. This allows the greatest latitude for action on the part of their supporters, since they are not acting under direct orders from anyone. Leaders identify targets, but it is up to the followers to decide what to do about them.
As we have seen the people running the show give the commands to the snitches on the headphones, cellphones, etc.
The snitches can decide how to opperate and they do. Very badly at times.
Most of these leaders have backgrounds which are not known to their supporters. They are from “somewhere else”, and there isn’t much information available about them from independent sources. This provides a basis for the “larger than life” stature they assume in these groups. Many claim to have connections to the CIA or other intelligence agencies which do not reveal the
identities of their employees or ex-employees.
They could be larger than life. I am sure many do CIA links. Look up Citizen Corp sometime.
Chapter 3: Selection of Targets
[p 19]
Each extremist group in an area has its own targets but as stated previously, stalking groups tend to be composed of supporters of many local extremist groups. Supporters tend to move back and forth between groups which increases the level of co-operation between them.
Yeah as a target moves through a community, the various groups for that community, neighbourhood watch, citizens on phone patrol, etc, do co-opperate.
Anti-government groups target public officials, including local politicians and bureaucrats, IRS agents, treasury agents, and activists of all kinds but especially civil rights activists, whistle blowers, etc. A whistle blower is someone who reveals wrongdoing within an organization to the public or to those in positions of authority.
I would have to check the history of Cointelpro, to see other targets.
Many extremist groups oppose all those who work in abortion clinics, including those who provide transportation for patients to and from the clinics and even the patients themselves. Some groups only oppose those involved in providing abortion services to white women, on the grounds they are endangering the white race.
Identity or white supremacist groups target gays, African Americans and Jewish people.
A favorite target of the anti-government groups is public officials, including police officers who have been accused of wrongdoing. They don’t have to be convicted.
Groups immediately set up surveillance and try to determine how to destroy their lives. Other targets include those in the media, including radio, television, and publishing, especially those who are Jewish and those with fame, but not enough money to isolate themselves from these groups. Immigrants can also be targeted. Groups typically target any judge presiding over the trial of one of their members.
Still working on the best translation of the above paragraphs.
Groups also attack targets of convenience. These people are selected because they are convenient targets, and not for any other reason. These include loners who tend to be more vulnerable to their harassment tactics than those with family and friends around them. Targets of convenience are used for practice.
Community groups have done this. Targeting that person who lives by themselves, who they don’t like.
Another favorite target of groups is sexual predators, … whose names, addresses, and photos are public information which is available on government web sites. Sexual predators have no support groups or protectors.
We already know that community groups do this, so give me a break. This should have been a first hint that it was community groups and not the extremists that he claimed. I am sure extremists might do this, but who are the people that usually get rid of pedophiles?
[NOTE: Article in Toronto Star about organized harassment of sexual predators, “Vigilantes Versus Pedophiles”]
In small towns, where extremist groups can actually have some power, the also target new people in town who don’t know anyone. The attitude of the extremist is that they “control” their areas and unknown people can’t be trusted. This can affect people who decide to move to a small area without knowing anyone there. They are chased out of town.
Yeah community groups in small towns do do this, and yes they don’t like and they don’t trust strangers. They have to get to know you. Not all small towns are like this, but some can be.
Animal rights activists stalk those who own fur ranches, furriers, research scientists working in the field of biomedical research using animals, executives of McDonalds, etc. Eco-terrorists focus their attention on saving nature. Their targets include politicians, loggers, etc.
[NOTE: Article in Toronto Star about organized harassment by animal rights activists, “U.K. Animal Rights Guerillas Hit Hard”]
Groups normally also attack the family, friends, and associates of a target and even the businesses he patronizes.
This can be true, they more likely try to recruit our family, friends, etc.
The operations of many extremist groups are actually financed by corporations which use them to stalk their enemies or potential enemies. The groups are used as the private armies of those corporations. Some countries kill dissidents and in others they are jailed. In the united states, someone who is threatening to corporations or industries, like a whistle blower or activist, is likely to become the target of an extremist group.
This part is true, but change his wording. The companies can now put you under investigation, or send you for a psychological exame, if you try to complain too much.
These groups do not overtly harass all their targets. If the target provides them with valuable information, like having sensitive conversations in public places, [the groups] will simply gather all the information they can and leave the target unaware. Groups have contacts in the media which they use to disseminate information about their targets. It is not unusual to see the vehicles of local television stations riding in extremist convoys.
They do listen to our conversations that we have in public. Worst than that, if you don’t know this is happening, and your friends or family are snitches, then they will try to get you to release private information in public, the same with co-workers. That’s just a Nasty thing to do to someone.[/quote]
Chapter 3: Group Structure
[p 22]
Stalking groups do not hold traditional meetings. They meet by cell phone when they are in their vehicles. Following and harassing various targets is part of their daily activities when they are on patrol. In order to avoid potential destruction of their groups, they use a concept which has been used by political and paramilitary groups for hundreds of years. A name currently used by right wing organizations is “leaderless resistance”.
I know with community policing each area runs itself the way they best see fit. So keep that in mind.
Leaderless resistance is used in an attempt to isolate group leaders from prosecution, while allowing their followers an unlimited operational range. Leaders identify targets to their followers through broadcasts on right wing radio stations, in print articles, or on web sites, but they never tell their followers what to do. It is up to them to decide what action is appropriate. Then they talk over their cell phones in digital two-way radio mode, they don’t actually know who is listening. Anyone who knows the dial-in number can listen and current cell numbers are widely circulated among groups.
Isn’t that nice?
This is similar to that used by the Ku Klux Klan. They use Knightriders. Knightriders do not attend meetings or communicate in any way with group leaders. They ride around at night and “do what needs to be done”.
The use of cells is not new to extremist groups. Some groups, like militias use them now for some of their illegal activities. … cells consist of about 8 individuals and the identities of the cell members are known only to those in the cell and their immediate superior. When a cell is on patrol, one member handles the communications of the cell and he is the only link to the whole group. If he is stopped by the police he could only provide the names of those in his cell and his immediate superior …The way cells operate makes it difficult for the police to identify members, unless they actually witness them committing a crime.
[p 24]
“Groups cloak their true identities in a variety of ways. Some are citizens groups, some are clubs, and others are churches.”
Chapter 5: The Surveillance Operation
[P 25]
Groups will not purchase property to establish a presence near a target but they will rent properties near his residence or sublet apartments. They will also occupy vacant property by breaking in and using it.
This is the same stuff they do when setting up surviellance. They even discussed this in one of the many news articles I have posted about this. They don’t break in, they rent or get permission to use these places.
Extremist groups have relationships with local gangs and other criminal groups which penetrate deeply into the communities in which they operate. The surveillance operations are often conducted by local gang members in association with group members.
[quote]Yeah it’s all part of the community policing rubic. Everyone working together. snitches, business, police, community groups, etc. Covert Action Quarterly 1997. [/quote]
In order to establish bases of operation, they will enlist the assistance of neighbors. In many areas, they can do this by intimidation. Those who do not co-operate can be targeted, which includes harassment of their families and damage to their homes and vehicles.
Community groups will ask for permission and will usually get it. If you are a store you are not going to say no to the cops. If you are a a neighbour to this dangerous person who could do anything crazy, you probably want them there. If you refuse, they can stuble harass you. Most times people just co-opperate, they think it’s exciting. Oh helping to catch a dangerous person? Yep here is another hero cookie.
If they are dealing with individuals who do not know them, they can also appeal to their sense of patriotism and they can offer drugs, friendship, home repair, free taxi rides and what ever else they have to. In some cases they may even be able to get a key to the residence from a “patriotic” landlord.
Again they know the methods, legal and illgal. They have a whole history of Cointelpro to fall back on. Must be nice. Do you want some milk to go with the hero cookie?[/quote]
Surveillance on a residence is by triangulation. They watch it from three different positions. They will use the garage, or erect shacks or sit in cars on the property of co-operating neighbors. If they have to, they will even sit in their vehicles on the street but they will do frequent trade-offs.
[quote]I think this same kinda quote came up in hightechharassment. Interesting. I wonder if they are using similar sources? Oh but yeah they do try position themselves the best they can, cause it helps their meaningless consumer driven lives. Oh sorry I mean it helps with the surviellance.
Surveillance is conducted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When a target leaves his residence they will alert the group, either by cell phone or by business band radio. Other members, who are patrolling the perimeter to watch for police and other vehicles driving in the area, will race to the location to begin pursuit. In small towns, where business band radio is widely used, these activities are a local sport among a small group. Anyone with a scanner can join in. Some targets have reported hearing an announcement on their scanners as soon as they turn their lights on in the morning.
I have heard this. They do alert the group. Some of us get horns, other things subtle and not so subtle.
Keep tuned into that community policing dial, what else do you have to do with your life, honestly, I mean other than watch mine?
Group members maintain a vigil around the target’s residence. They can always find a valid reason to be there. They will mow neighbors’ grass, hang around any businesses in the area, join nearby churches, join neighborhood watch associations, hold meetings at the homes of neighbors, hold neighborhood parties, deliver newspapers to people who don’t subscribe to a newspaper, and whatever else they can think of. they will have co-operating neighbors hold lawn sales so their members can maintain a presence in the area. …
We have all seen the parasitic behavior and I don’t think that we need to be reminded of it.
In a typical apartment setting, they will attempt to lease, sublet, or otherwise have access to apartments above, below, and on both sides of the target. They will also “guard” the vehicles of a target in the parking lot. If they have occupied apartments surrounding a target, typically normal noises like toilets flushing, doors closing, people talking, etc. will not be heard. The only noises that will be heard are in response to something the target does. If he flushes a toilet, he may hear a car horn honk, the sound of a power tool or hammering, for example. There will also be a large number of people coming and going, and accompanying rowdiness and noise. Groups watch the residence with binoculars, attempting to see inside. If they can, they will time the generation of noise to movements inside the residence. If they gain entry to the residence, they will attempt to move curtains or blinds so they can see.
The above seems to be pretty much all true.
They will try to enlist the support of anyone who has access to the residence of a target. This includes janitorial service workers, gardeners, baby sitters, etc. in a typical apartment complex, they will probably be able to enlist the aid of one or more members of the staff and pest control personnel, who have keys. It is not uncommon of them to obtain the support of security guards who monitor security cameras. A common ruse used by these groups is that they are a “citizens group” which assists the police and they are “just keeping track” of a certain individual, for whatever reason. The illusion is reinforced by the case files they carry which are complete with photos of the target and look like those used by police.
They do try to recruit anyone that has access, that’s why they watch who is coming or going. They are not on a ruse that they are a citizen group. They are a citizen group, or groups. Not that it makes much of a difference when they act in psychotic fashion.
An important element of the surveillance operation is the isolation imposed on the residence of a target. Since group members establish a perimeter around the residence and patrol it, they are alert to any marked police cars which come near it. If a target complains that numerous people are knocking on his door for peculiar reasons, they won’t be around next time the police arrive. It isolation imposed on the target’s residence also provides protection for other activities like drug dealing.
This works for just about everything. If we tape the bangig and then complain with the taped banging, banging stops. If we film weird people coming to the door, that stops, wrong number calls to our unlisted number. That stops, etc. They at times are like stupid children, but then they have the capacity to destroy your life. It’s annoying.
When extremist groups rent property around a target’s residence, it is often rented by a group member of a local gang, who typically receives up to $100 a month for use of the property by the group. Group members use the property to watch the target in shifts. In other cases, no one will actually live in the residence, but there will be a steady stream of different people at all times of the day and night. [p 27]
Don’t ask me any budget questions, but the article about snitching in Korea makes me think that they pay better. Hint hint.
Author’s quote summing up the extremist groups’ concept of themselves:
“Who are we? We drive the ambulances that take you to the emergency room. When your house is burning, we put out the fire. We are security guards. We protect you at night. You only have electricity, phone and cable service because of us. We are janitors. We have the keys. We fix your cars. You don’t want to mess with us.”
[quote]They really do. These are the people that T.I.P.S. and other programs of the like want. Oh we do want to mess with you, in the worst possible way the way you mess with us, but we have better restraint. [/quote]
Chapter 6: Search and Seizure
[P 28]
“Groups typically consider themselves to be investigators who are gathering information to be used to lay charges against the target. A typical police investigation lasts a few days. An investigation by a private investigator may last a month and it may involve being followed around by two or three people. The ‘investigations’ conducted by extremist groups against individuals can last for decades and involve hundreds of ‘investigators’. Some extremist leaders say that what they do is essentially what investigative journalists do, but they don’t mention the harassment, break-ins, or property damage.”
They consider themselves investigators, maybe cause it’s what they are told, and in the course of their spying on us, if any target was into something illegal, they would use it to lock you away, or recruit you, with a slap on the wrist, and a snitching sentance for life. Same with if you attack them and hurt them, but it’s hard to resist, but targets must resist.
Chapter 7: Overt or Covert Operation
[P 32]
Typically, harassment tactics are not used unless a target is alone. If he is with others, group members will still surround him, but they will not reveal their presence. Many targets never experience the kind of harassment described here, because they are not alone very often. Others do not recognize that they are being harassed by an organized group. They just think that there are a lot of rude people in the world. Targets who do not experience physical harassment are still targets for other types of attacks.
Unless you live with anoteher actual target, you will likely not get this. The moment I am on the phone, everything is dead quite, while they listen in.
Physical harassment is used when a target has no witnesses. An objective is to isolate the target from his family and friends. He can tell them about all the strange things happening around him, but they will not understand and perhaps will think he is crazy. Sometimes other members of the family will receive the same treatment. Here are the most common tactics used by groups across the country.
We have all seen this. The snitches, community spies, they do small things, which could not hurt a fly, unless the fly was having those things done 24/7/365 days, it’s the death of a thousand paper cuts. This is what they need to understand. People are not unhinged, but daily unjust harassment, can make them become so, that’s the bigger picture that you maybe don’t see.
On the Road
When a target is driving, standard practice is to surround his vehicle and attempt to control his speed. He will not be followed in close proximity by the same vehicles for a long distance. They do frequent trade-offs. Vehicles line up behind the target for a short distance and then move out of place so the next vehicle can take over. Frequently, vehicles in the convoy will have their high beam headlights on during the day, so a target frequently have a vehicle behind him which has its headlights on.
Box pattern, they do this when we are sitting down as well, they try to box us in. Cause you know if we go crazy, they are there to help. OH here is your third hero cookie. Enjoy.
[NOTE: In the summer of 2004, I had a driver try to force me off the road. I called 911 while he was driving up to my bumper fast and then slamming on his brakes repeatedly (even though it was an empty two lane road and I was in the righthand lane). While I was talking to the police he drove up next to me and gave me the finger, then swerved dangerously towards my car several times before speeding off ahead of me too fast for me to get his licence plate number. A couple of months later I had a limo driver parked out front of my house who randomly gave me the finger as I crossed the street on foot. A couple of days after the limo driver incident, I had a teenager do the same thing as he passed by me on foot. See Gang Stalking Slideshow for another incident. -L.]
In many parts of the country it is common to see groups of six to 30 or more vehicles driving around in convoys with their high beams on during the day. This is one of the ways a convoy can be identified. Sometimes they will also drive in formation, in a single column with vehicles spaced one car length apart. When they drive around at night, the brightness of their headlights can light up the sky.Group vehicles follow far in front of and behind the target in both directions to watch for marked police vehicles. A target knows a police vehicle is approaching when vehicles move away from him. Group members also travel on roads parallel to the road being traveled by the target, in order to intercept his vehicle when he turns.
It is not uncommon for a target traveling alone to see group members hold tissue over their noses as if there were a bad smell. They may also wave or make some gesture to attract attention.
[quote]Or as part of a signal.[/quote]
Group members have feelings of inferiority, but when they are with their group they are fearless, especially when they are in the safety of their vehicles. This can be especially dangerous for a target because they are connected by cell phone, and they achieve group status by engaging in extreme behavior. Some groups reward a “member of the week” with a free night on the town and a limo ride.
Nothing as empowering as being in a mindless cult. No hero cookie for you this time.
Cutting off the target vehicle or waiting beside the road for him to pass and then pulling out in front of him are common. When this is done, other group members may attempt to be in a position to prevent him from getting out of the way of the attacking vehicle. If there is an accident the group member will have half a dozen “concerned citizens” to testify to his version of what happened.
Other vehicle related tactics include blockade, so the target vehicle cannot leave a parking lot, for example, or he is surrounded by slow moving vehicles.
Standard practice is to watch the target’s vehicles and this subjects them to damage including slashed tires, scratched paint, stolen license plates, etc. Typically they would not cut the brake lines on vehicles or commit other similar acts of sabotage, but they would drain the oil or antifreeze over a period of time. If they are able to enter the vehicles, items may be removed and then returned or items may be put in the vehicles. If they can enter vehicles and the residence they may take items from the residence and put them in the vehicle and vice versa.
This is all tactics and we know that they get the aware targets to do this, or the ones that are so happy to be part of the community policing cult that they don’t care.
[NOTE: Half the oil was drained from my car when it hit 50,000 km (31,000 mi.) and was just 1 month out of warranty. The engine had to be rebuilt. The brakes were caked in so much rust that the repair shop asked if it had been sitting in water for a long time, (but there was not a spot of rust on the body). Just before the harassment escalated, someone left flowers all over my lawn and on top of my car and kept leaving pieces of garbage on my front lawn every night. The daily piece of garbage on the front lawn continued when I moved to a completely different city. (If you look at the Gang Stalking Slideshow, you will see that it is not a dirty neighbourhood.) -L.]
On Foot
A target will be followed on foot wherever he goes. Anyone can go to the same public places he goes, and they will attempt to get into any other restricted places he goes, including hospitals, places of employment, etc. It has been said that it is possible to go nearly anywhere if you have a clipboard in your hand and it is almost true. They also like to wear name badges on a lanyard, and some carry phony police badges.
This is standard foot patrol.
Common harassment tactics used by those on foot
include pen clicking, in which they repeatedly click a ball point pen, key rattling, and rattling change in their pockets while standing behind the target. Many tactics are tried and the result is observed. Those which evoke a response from the target are repeated. When a target sits anywhere in public, group members will attempt to sit behind him in order to create noise, by whatever means, including tapping their feet on the target’s chair. The objective is to harass the target constantly.
Sensitization tactics, which are used to make sure the target knows he is being watched, include picture taking and filming.
Another sensitization technique is note taking. This is done when the target is stationary, for example in a restaurant. The note taker appears to take a note each time the target makes a movement, or says anything. There are happy note takers and unhappy note takers. Happy note takers find everything he says and does to be funny, while unhappy note takers find everything he says to be wrong or inappropriate.
Only certain members are allowed to establish contact with the target. Contact is not made without backup, to act as witnesses and protect one another. A target will sometimes attack a group member. Having witnesses makes it possible to have him charged or to protect the group member who is doing the harassing.
Group members will attempt to physically intimidate a target if they can, by standing very close. Swarming is a tactic which is also used. It involves totally surrounding a target so he cannot move.
Those are all tactics, so I am not going to go there.
A target cannot escape by traveling. If groups know of his travel plans, and there is a good chance they do, they will have a member purchase a ticket on the same flight. Groups are not concerned with the federal laws against stalking across state lines. If they cannot get on the same plane, group members will “meet” him at whatever U.S. airport he lands at and the same pattern of stalking and harassment is continued. There is a good chance they will be able to get into his hotel room.
Remember Gloria Naylor talking about being on the plane, and the Citizen Informants sitting on either side of her and mimicking her, till even they had to say that it was stupid? Yeah.
At Home
A common tactic use by groups is noise campaigns. Group members will drive by the target’s residence or work place, honking their horns, squealing tires, and making whatever other noise they can.
They will also make noise from whatever nearby properties they have access to. Typically, they will make noise when the target goes outside. Group members will also frequently knock on his door for whatever peculiar reasons they can dream up.
In an apartment setting, targets can expect to hear tapping on the walls in the middle of the night, taps running, hammering etc. from the upper and/or lower apartments, and possibly the apartments on both sides. They will continue to “work” on these activities for as long as they can get away with them.
Group members work in shifts in apartments they have access to. They work 24 hours a day and do not take holidays. Their job is to make noise and alert the group when he leaves. This activity can last for many years.
Yeah they take shifts and the rest is more tactics.
Often they occupy a nearby apartment, part time, when the owner is not there and he receives some benefit. A target may notice someone leaving a nearby apartment when he leaves his, and arrive when he arrives. In addition, he will often be accompanied in elevators by a steady stream of different individuals who go to the apartments being used by the group.
In an apartment setting or in a house, if they have installed listening devices, or if they can maintain a close enough presence to hear sounds coming from the target’s residence, it is not uncommon for a target to hear honking horns and occasionally fire engine or ambulance sirens when he uses or flushes the toilet, or makes other noise.
[NOTE: This is a common activity of the perpetrators – making a corresponding noise when someone is in the bathroom. Many gang stalking targets have reported this. -L.]
it is not uncommon, in an apartment setting, for a target to hear someone moving from room to room as he does, from the upper or lower apartment.
A target can also expect frequent disruption of electric, phone, cable and sometimes even water service. Service will be shut off to an entire block, rather than just to the target.
More tactics so I am just skipping over.
Groups study their targets, and as a result they are fully aware of whatever weakness he may have. If he is addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex etc. They will know it and they will attempt to exploit it. Calling the police to report a drunken driver is standard practice.
This part is true for targets and other people, who don’t even know it yet.
Groups attempt to interfere with any business and personal relationships which the target has. Typically, this interference involves character assassination from some anonymous individual and is not usually taken seriously by those who know the target. It can be effective with people who don’t know the target.
At work, the target will also experience character assassination. If he works in any position where he has to deal with the public, there will be a steady stream of customers who complain about him. If he is a real estate agent, he will have a steady stream of prospects who occupy his time but never make an offer.
More tactics but they are true. They want to make sure that we can’t succeed.
Chapter 8: Let’s Pretend
[P 37]
While extremist groups tend to co-operate with each other, leaders in the extremist movement have contempt for the groups which play games of “let’s pretend”, because they don’t really achieve anything.
The leaders of these groups pretend that they are “larger than life characters” … with heroic backgrounds. They are looked upon with reverence by their followers. Typically their backgrounds and alleged heroism can not be independently verified, because it allegedly involves national security. They pretend that their groups are committed to bringing about some change but that is of secondary importance. Primarily they are criminal groups, which derive their financing from corporations through their relationships with other criminal groups. The sole beneficiaries are the leaders.
It probably does involve national security of the Cointelpro kind. It’s the same mentality these people have always had.
Supporters pretend that they are “investigators” after having been duly authorized. As “investigators”, part of their jobs is to harass targets in any way they can. They pretend that they are in charge of what goes on where they live and that they can control who lives where they live.
The pretense continues in the tactics which they employ in order to succeed in their “missions”. They maintain a close presence to their targets, so they can make an “arrest” when the order is given. It does not matter much that no such order is ever given.
So you are a powerless person, you feel inferior or angry about stuff, powerless to stop it. You join this community group and suddenly you are someone. You are an investigator. (Let me get that big shiny S on the front of your shirt shine up. You are super investigator. You are going to be helping to follow this dangerous person around, who is into God knows what, but they are a danger to society and everything we hold dear. Now you really feel important. I know you want a hero cookie, but you are not getting it right this second. Then you see the power of the informant network and you think, I am a part of this, the tears roll down your face, and you know at last you have found what you are looking for. God bless snitching and spying.
Ok now you can have your hero cookie.
Pretending to be police officers is a favorite. Some of them drive around in vehicles in vehicles which look just like real undercover cars which are used by the police. Some of the travel guides advise tourists not to stop for any vehicle which is not a marked police car, especially at night. They advise people to drive slowly to a nearby police station or to a store where there are other people.
Teams will typically stand around a target while he is paying for a purchase in a store, or sit near him in a restaurant. They will have the demeanor of police officers and they will talk about “police matters”.
If a target is being harassed by other team members, they will “observe” the situation. They may even speak to the people who are doing the harassing. The “police” will indicate they don’t like what is going on but they can’t do anything about it.
Some cops do want to help, but they can’t. They have been told to stand down in many cases, unless something very overtly wrong is happening and even then who knows.
Many of them will give the impression that they are police without showing a badge or stating that they are police officers, but others will claim to be police officers. Group members may also wear the uniforms of city and county workers, and telephone, cable or utility company employees, in order to get into the residence of a target, or some other place of interest to them.
They will walk around a mall, following a target, with jackets which say “Security”, with their scanners, pagers and cell phones and they believe the illusion. Some targets have said that an excellent way to antagonize groups is to “disrespect” them, by “accidentally” stepping on the feet of “police” officers, laughing in their faces, “accidentally” spilling drinks on them, etc. it seems to upset their sense of reality and causes the group members to doubt themselves.Groups take revenge when a group member has been assaulted or “disrespected”. That revenge can take the form of an assault on the target or damage to his property.
I just covered this. They most likely are real cops or security guards. Do not land yourself in jail by provoking them. Spilling pop on them, laughing in their faces, stepping on them. All good ways to end up in jail or the psycho ward. We have to find work arounds.
Group members will also pretend to be concerned citizens who notice that the target is being followed and harassed. They will attempt to engage the target in conversation, which they can later relate to the rest of the group.
Groups are rallied by the constant “victories” they “win” in the games they play with their targets. It does not matter that the targets are not playing a game or that they even know a game is being played. Since groups are introverted, their interaction with one another is more important than their interaction with a target.
I have heard about this game mentallity as well.
Chapter 8: Influence Techniques[i.e. influence on stalking group recruits]
[p 40]
Coercive Persuasion
Having a convoy of vehicles speed across town so 20 group members can stand in line ahead of a target who is driving to the post office, in order to keep him waiting in line as long as possible, is not normal behavior. It is not normal for a small group to stand, yelling and screaming, in front of a high rise apartment building in order to try to generate enough noise to disturb a target who lives on the 30th floor. It is not normal for old and infirm people to try to physically intimidate a tall, muscular man. It is not normal for people to work shifts in apartments for the sole purpose of making noise whenever they hear the target make noise like flushing the toilet or turning on a water faucet. It is not normal for people to think that walking by a target and doing strange things to attract his attention, like blinking their eyes, or reading the time from an imaginary watch on their wrist or making faces is going to change the world, but they do, and it does not matter whether the target even knows what is going on around him. It is most important that other group members know what they are doing.
As lame as this sounds, it’s true. This is your tax dollars hard at work.
Supporters of these groups are obsessed with every aspect of their targets’ lives. Whether a target is taking the garbage out in the morning, driving to work or sitting in a local coffee shop, group members try to find ways to make the target interact with them. Ideally, he will not be able to go anywhere in public without having to deal with them in some way.These [stalking] groups are cults. A cult is a collection of individuals with a philosophy, and organization, and a system of beliefs which support their world view. Many organizations fit this description. The use of tactics involving coercive persuasion [on their recruits] is what separates cults from other organizations. Individuals who become involved with these groups lose their sense of self identity and take on the identity of the cult leader.
[p 46]
I now agree that this does match the definition of a cult and how a cult functions, even though they think they are on the right side of the law. They are not in the true spirit of the law.
Group members are sensitized to all the tactics they employ. If a target rattles keys, or clicks pens or plays the role of note taker around them, they react instantly. Police officers sometimes do bizarre things around them, like read the time from an imaginary watch on their wrists or talk on a cell phone which is upside down. It seems to affect their sense of reality and causes a great deal of chatter on their cell phones.
Chapter 9: Self Defense
[P 48]
Protecting Yourself [From the Stalker Groups]
… Groups surround and attempt to control the speed of police vehicles, just as they do with their targets. If a police officer stops one of their vehicles, it is not uncommon for several vehicles in their convoy to stop and harass the police officer. It is also common for groups to harass the judge presiding over any case which involves one of their members.
[quote]Yeah because they travel in formantion, so they all stop maybe.[/quote]
Targets must conduct themselves as if all conversations in public places and over the phone are being monitored. They must realize that their personal weaknesses will be known to these groups and exploited in an attempt to destroy them [the targets]. Groups across the country are large enough to target those of minor importance and even those who might potentially be important.
Those targeted for harassment will have no problem concluding that someone is after them, but most never know who it is. Groups begin their operations with a “sensitization” program. This involves tactics like having uniquely marked vehicles, like a white car with different colored paint (which can be removed) poured all over it, follow the target wherever he drives, without the frequent trade offs which are usually used. That vehicle may also be parked in front of his house at night. Several drivers may stop [the target] to tell him he has a flat tire, for example. When they talk on their cell phones, group members will ask if the target has been sensitized. They delight in pretending to be passers by who “notice” that the target is being followed or harassed. They hope that the target will confide in them so they can use any information he provides to improve their attack.
Laughing at group members or otherwise letting them know that their tactics do not work is dispiriting to them, since they believe the superiority of their group is because of the tactics they employ.
No laughing at them just makes you look kidna nutty, but they are so lame at times you can’t help it.
… They spend considerable time describing to one another what they did, and the target’s reaction, although it may not be true.
It’s nice to have a hobby.
Group members are taught that the target is the reason for their problems. He is the reason why their lives are a failure. Group leaders hope that their followers will reach the point where they “have to resolve their problems.” This can result in a traffic accident, assault, and occasionally in murder.Targets also face the threat of assault, particularly if they are female or old. Group members also try to entice the target to assault them, but this is never done without having witnesses present. The criminal conviction of the target, following the testimony of numerous “concerned citizens” can be followed by a civil lawsuit.
If they think you are selling drugs, a pedophile, a harm to their kids, like crazy, or whatever they might go that route and think they are doing something good.
Protecting a Residence
Groups will attempt to get a key for the residence which they may be able to do from a landlord by using threats, an appeal to his patriotism, or any other ruse. It is easy for them to get entry to apartments through the building staff.
An alarm system which calls the local police when it is tripped is good. Groups have the ability to shut off phone and electricity. While group members are lacking in skills of any kind, some associates do have skills in a variety of criminal areas. If there is a way to bypass an alarm, they will know how to do it. Targets who subscribe to service which dispatches a security guard when their alarm goes off should not be surprised to see vehicles from that company joining the convoy which accompanies him wherever he goes. Groups will also use alarm systems to harass targets by setting them off and running away.
Other means of entry include open windows and doors. They will take a door or window frame apart to gain entry and put it back together again. Once they gain entry, they will try to secure any other means of entry so they can always get in. Typically they try not to leave evidence that they have been there, but that is not possible. If they want a target to know they have been there, they move items around.
One target said that he would find flashlight batteries in places where he did not leave them. If group members are able to gain entry, they will make copies of any keys they may find, or steal them. They will also access any computers and take any documents of interest to them. Some targets notice that files are missing from their filing cabinets and then they are replaced. Groups steal items like passports, which are passed around to other members.
… When [stalking] groups move into a neighborhood, there is an increase in the number of break-ins, noise, and it will become a high traffic area.
Most of the above is tactics. If an area does become crime ridden, it’s because you are hiring some really questionable people to follow targets around, and sometimes live around them. Neighbour across the hall.
[p 50]
“In smaller areas, where groups have more power, neighbors may instantly turn against the target, because they know that the group will not leave until he does…”
[quote]In small town, even big towns it’s easy to get harassed by the community group if you try to help the person who is being targeted. We saw this in the movie North Country. The Lois Jensen story.[/quote]
Managing Time
Groups attempt to control the time of their targets. They do this in a variety of ways. They will block the way of a target using their vehicles, for example, to control his speed on a highway. They will cause problems which force the target to solve them, like gluing his car doors shut.
Another type of tactic involves occupying a target’s time by giving him a puzzle to solve. For example, group members will use a uniquely marked vehicle to follow him for several days. Then other members will park the vehicle in front of the target’s house and knock on his door, with bibles, claiming to be preachers. The target is invited to waste his time following bogus clues and leads. Meanwhile, other members of the group drive around, waiting to hear what happened. It is their entertainment.
Turning the tables around on a group, by following one of their vehicles, for example, is precisely what they want. Chasing it is even better. If they can occupy a target’s time that way, they will have a very successful day. They are on patrol. It is not possible to waste their time. As always, the target risks having criminal charges file against him and there will be more than enough witnesses.
Some parts of the attack cannot be ignored. Property must be secured, but a target cannot let a group control his time. He must also realize that he cannot control [the stalking group’s] time.
Finding Allies
Family, friends, employers, and associates must be aware that there is a problem with extremists. Many police departments have officers who specialize in extremist groups. Groups try to give the target the impression that the world is against him, but it is a small group compared to the local population.
Shut offs of electricity, phone service, water or cable must be reported to service providers that extremist groups are involved. They are aware that a few of their employees are involved with those groups, and they will take action.
Stalking operations tend to become larger as groups recruit more supporters. This could involve numerous vehicles from the same companies. Employers will be interested to know that their employees are using company vehicles to harass people. A cell phone call which includes the license number of the company vehicle will produce results.
Officials working for the city and county will also be interested in knowing that some of their employees are spending time driving around and harassing people.
Yeah start talking about extremist groups and they will have you locked up. You would be better off talking about unchecked surviellance, Abuse of Anti-terror laws, Unjust watch lists, and the targeting of innocent citizens. Also print off articles to back you up. For family explain to them about Cointelpro and what was done.
From what I am seeing the numbers are fairly big, this is not a small thing. I am not saying everyone takes part, but if you own a business, are an employer, etc, so that’s many people in cities. This is also in various countries, so keep this in mind.
Character Assassination
This normally comes from the bottom of the organization, and from those with the least credibility. The source of rumors or stories is probably the janitors, kitchen staff, etc. Groups will also try to influence anyone who has any sort of dealings with the target, but that information is coming from unknown people and is not damaging in the long term.
Stories and rumors indicate signs of a problem. The real potential damage is in what property the group might gain access to.
What do you mean the least credibility. The above people are often believed, cause why would the janitor make it up? What would they have against you? So it must be true. Wrong but most people will never see it that way.
Chapter 11: Conclusion
[P 53]
“All across the country, people are having their civil rights infringed by what are essentially criminal gangs, not because of their race or sexual orientation, but because of what they do. These gangs masquerade as political or religious groups, but they are private armies. While they have their own targets, which are connected to their political agenda, they are also available, for hire, to corporations and other entities, to destroy or neutralize people.”
I agree with most of what he said, but change the wording from criminal gangs. Civil rights are being disrupted. All sectors of society are taking part and many have no idea of the true monster they have joined.
The goal of these groups is to harass the targets until they leave town. Many targets do not realize that the groups operate as a national network. For many targets, moving to another town, or to another state across the country proves to be a waste of money because the harassment continues no matter where they live. Some targets have been forced to leave the country.
Even upon leaving the country, the harassment still continues.
Targets are surrounded wherever they go, by groups of individuals who appear to be borderline retarded, mentally ill or deluded into thinking that they are secret agents. Over time, they become increasingly upset with their targets, who are “responsible for [the stalkers’] failures in life”. If the target leaves town, or if something happens to him, [they believe] their lives will improve.
[quote]Of course they do, because the crazy, dangerous person won’t be in tehir community anymore, then they will be all safe, and can put the superhero investigator suit away, oh until the next target comes along, which will be right after you get rid of this one. Supply and demand.[/quote]
These groups are becoming larger and more numerous. While the people doing the harassing are what would be considered “losers”, their tactics are no joke. Groups are well financed, they are operated as businesses, and they do have the power to destroy lives. They attack at the weakest point which could include a spouse, children, or elderly relatives.The united states cannot continue to allow its citizens, some of whom are public servants, to be terrorized by these groups. Groups are small compared to any population, but the loyalty of supporters is to the group, and their employers only provide them with a way to provide that support.
Yeah odd how that works. Cointelpro tactics can destroy lives.
Groups actively recruit the employees of electric, cable, telephone, cities and counties who can work for them. Trucks from these sectors can be seen driving around in convoys of extremists, all across the country.
In preparing this book, I spoke with several targets from across the country. One was a whistle blower. He experienced many of the tactics described in previous chapters. He said that cars would wait in front of his house and his daughter’s house every morning to follow them. He thought he was being stalked by hundreds of CIA agents. He moved several times, from Washington to new York, to Florida and then to Colorado but he continued to be stalked for several years. He said that while he was a target, if he flew to another city, people would be waiting for him when he arrived and he would continue to be stalked and harassed by people using the same methods described here. He expressed a common rationalization among stalking victims. He believed that he deserved to be stalked, because of the national importance of what he had done.
…I also spoke with police officers from across the country. They confirmed the existence of stalking groups across the country. In general, they said that “cause stalking” is primarily a civil problem where the plaintiff has to prove financial loss. They also said that there are free speech and grass roots issues involved. In fact, the police themselves are targets of these groups. In small towns, the number of members in these groups can easily exceed the number of police officers. In general, the police will not talk about stalking groups. One officer did say there is a storm brewing as groups become larger and more numerous.
[quote]Yes as people find out about the junk you are allowing to have happen, to innocent people. Also from some of the police I spoke to they can not do anything, and they do risk jobs, or getting harassed, so yeah. If they blow the whistle, they would go to jail, likly worst.[/quote]
You may even see a staged event like people who are not city workers putting up barricades across a certain street and then directing traffic in other directions. If you live in an apartment, you might see a work crew working on a certain floor and making a lot of noise. If you look to see what they have done after they left, you will see that they haven’t done anything. You might listen to a verbal fight between people who are yelling at one another while they are laughing.
They are city workers.
The leaders of other groups in the extremist movement refer to the members of these groups as “kooks”. While they have supported them in the past, they are starting to balk at exposing their members to arrest for activities which amount to little gain for the movement. They say that anyone who is a target should be killed, and not just harassed for years.
… This [system of stalking and harassing] works because it is a secret.
It’s a secret cause you make them sign none disclouse agreements, and you give businesses national secuirty letters, or they are parts of these trickle down Informant programs. It’s a nice dank dark secret, exposed in parts once before, then buried, but never fully forgotten, and emerging once again.
[P 73]
Robert L. Snow, “Stopping a Stalker”, Plenum Press, 1998
Robert J. Lifton, “Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism”, University of North Carolina
Frank J. Donner, “Protectors of Privilege”, University of California Press, 1990
Frank J. Donner, “The Age of Surveillance”, Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1980
Joel Dyer, “Harvest of Rage”, Westview Press, 1998
[P 73]
1. FBI Web Site,
2. “The Rise and Decline of the Patriots”, Southern Poverty Law Center Report, Summer 2001, Issue #102,
3. Frank J. Donner, “Protectors of Privilege”, University ofCalifornia Press, 1990, 2524. Lcdr Steven Mack Presley, “The Rise of Domestic Terrorismand its Relation to United States Armed Forces”, Written in Fulfillment of a Requirement for the Marine CorpsCommand and Staff College, 26,
5. Robert L. Snow, “Stopping a Stalker”, Plenum Press, 1998, 85
6. Robert L. Snow, “Stopping a Stalker”, Plenum Press, 1998, 94
7. Wollersheim V. Church of Scientology 89-1367 and 89-1361
8. Robert Jay Lifton, “Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism”, University of North Carolina Press, 1989, 419
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Mukazo Vunda
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