Tuesday 2 February 2021

The Most Potent Weapon of the Oppressor Is The Mind of the Oppressed

Granted that oppression is done for the spoils, and there is an initial investment put into the creation of an oppressive system, oppression becomes an unprofitable undertaking with regards the return on the investment when the oppressed aren't cooperating with their oppression, right? Right. So, oppressors always look for ways to ensure the oppressed are aiding their own oppression, because this is the only way to make the whole venture worthwhile. 

One of the most effective ways of doing this is to control how the oppressed perceive and respond to their oppression, right? Right. When this is done effectively, the mind of the oppressed becomes the most potent weapon the oppressor can use to strengthen the oppression.

Here are a list of things that oppressors have done, and still do, to the minds of the oppressed to ensure they accept or inadvertently make the chains of their own oppression stronger. 

1. Poisoning - By controlling the food supply, medication, etc., oppressors try to get the oppressed physically impaired, and because what affects the body also affects the mind, they succeed to make the minds of the oppressed impaired as well. Neurotoxins in various formats, such as fluoride in toothpastes or water, are favored because they target the brain directly. In a poisoned state, the oppressed don't have a mentality that enables them to make the right choices under the various circumstances that may arise. 

For example, it is always better for the oppressor that the oppressed cowers rather than realizes that being a coward doesn't serve their best interests well. The oppressed have to be made to see running away as the better option, and this is done by impairing their judgment. 

The fear that keeps oppressors awake at night is that their subjects will start thinking strait, and stop seeing the sense in cowering and fight back as a unified whole instead.  This will lead very quickly to the oppressor getting his hands full. 

But where cowardice prevails, the public display of punishment dished out to random people who rebel remains an effective method of preventing the oppressed from standing up for their rights, or defending those who are under overt attack. A coward's logic is the worst logic there ever could be in the context of oppression. 
2. Fear - works the same way as the former method in that it prevents the formulation of proper solutions. It can also be a product of an ailing intellect as a result of poisoning. People are more likely to act irrationally when gripped with fear. Fearful people can be manipulated using their own fear to their detriment.
3. Distraction - Oppressed people are usually given distractions from their oppression by their oppressors that keep their minds off their oppressed status, as such preventing them from ruminating over it and arriving at answers and solutions that work against the oppressive interests of the oppressors. Distractions can include a mindset that seeks validation in material possessions, induced addictions, and so on. 
4. Elimination of people with above average intelligence - during the transatlantic slave trade and the subsequent slavery on the plantations in the west indies, south America and north America, as well as during colonialism in Africa, which was kept as a massive plantation where Africans were allowed to feel free and practice their cultures in covert slavery, intelligent people were routinely sought out and eliminated because they were considered a flight or rebellion risk. It still works the same way in all oppressive regimes. The smarter an individual is, the more likely they are to pose a danger to the oppressors. Such people have to be eliminated if they cannot be recruited. 
5. Depopulation - small numbers of people are easier to control than large numbers of them.

So wise up! Curb your cowardice. Stop allowing the oppressors to instill fear in you for things you shouldn't be afraid of. Stop allowing them to use you as a conduit through which fear is projected in your community. There is always strength in numbers. Stop allowing them to isolate you into small, controllable units. Stop allowing them to make you tribal and racist. There is always reason for this but understand you are more controllable when you are divided into smaller units that can be faced off against each other. And most of all, stop allowing them to feel distance between you and people on the receiving end of their wrath. It should be a "there but for the grace of God go I" situation, because it couldn't just have been you in that situation, but it will be you, meaning it is about YOU that the other is under attack. 

There are more of us than them and if so many of us weren't such yellow-streak-on-the-back cowards that tuck tail so easily there would be too many for them to attack at will. Don't you see that this show of their wrath on some isolated individuals is just show for the sake of mind controlling you with fear so you hold your guns? They cannot take it if you fired as well, don't you see their fear? 

Plus, they couldn't possibly attack everybody, could they? That would be suicidal. 

Wake up! Stop depending too much on their services, their foods, their medications. Seek alternative ways of communicating, of networking, of healing, of cleaning your teeth. Eat natural foods. Avoid them turning your body into a waste bin, because the same happens to your mind. 

Curb your reliance on THEM. Don't trust anything they have a hand in: their banks, their funds, their securities, their bonds. Always have alternatives to what they pander so that they cannot squeeze you completely into a corner come some day. 

And so on. Live like you are at war, because you are. And remember it is foolish playing dead in a world of grown up people, of grown up wolves. We are not fighting children who can be fooled with pretense. What we are up against already has a plan for everybody and there is nothing you can do to change any of that. They know more about you than you know about yourself. They don't just know your likes and dislikes, they know your geneology. They have been looking at you sideways since you were born. Pretending you are a good Christian guy because you think they tolerate Christians won't save you from what they have planned for you. Neither will allowing them to use you as their whore. Stop making it easier for them to achieve their goal of total control. Stop allowing them to control your MIND.

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