Saturday 22 May 2021

Noah's Ark: Another Implausible Biblical Narrative by Writers Who Didn't Yet Know Where the Sun Went at Night

It should by now go without saying that the Biblical narrative of Noah's Ark may in fact be the clearest pointer to the mendacious mentality of the people who wrote the Bible, aside from the known fact that all of the writers didn't actually know where the sun went at night.

The story just fails to add up when put under scrutiny.

Of the many ways that the story has been tested for authenticity, the one in which it clearly fails to make the test applies specifically to the number of animals that can fit into a vessel the size of the ark in question. You see, it just isn't possible to load as many animals as there are species of them, multiplied by two, into an ark the size Noah built, and still leave room for the rest that the animals require to survive on for a whole year, such as food. Simply stated, the ark was too small to accommodate 2 of all the animal species that existed on earth at the time, period.

According to National Geographic's atlas, and Wikipedia, researchers have been able to document around 1.2 - 1.5 million animal species in existence. However, the total number of species that are in existence is estimated to be somewhere from 7 to 8.7 million.

Given the Bible insists on a creation myth in which creatures great and small have a single creation period, if we take the a-priori assumption that God hasn't surreptitiously been engaging in the creation of new species now and then, we can assume that the documented number of species today is the same as it was in Noah's time, minus extinctions. In fact, knowing that species do go extinct, we can confidently say there were more species of animal at the time Noah lived than there are now.

To see whether all these animals fit into the ark that Noah built, we have to know it's exact dimensions. The Bible actually provides the measurements of the ark and, fortunately, thanks to decades of archaeological digs, scholars have been able to determine the approximate size of most of the measurements given in the Bible, such as cubits, according to contemporary standards.

For example, in Genesis 6:14-15, God tells Noah to build the ark 300 cubits long, 30 cubits high and 50 cubits wide. By comparing various ancient artifacts, a cubit has been found to be equal to about 18 inches, according to National Geographic's atlas, so let's do the math:

- 300 X 18 = 5,400 inches, which amounts to 450 feet or a little more than 137 meters in length
- 30 X 18 = 540 inches, or 37.5 feet or just under 11.5 meters in height
- 50 X 18 = 900 inches, or 75 feet or slightly less than 23 meters

So, by converting biblical measurements, we end up with an ark that's 540 feet long (137 meters), 37.5 feet high (11.5 meters) and 75 feet wide (23 meters).

Noah placed within his ark 2 of each species on earth, apparently with the help of God given the task is beyond what a human can do if we consider the modes of transportation those days and the regions of the earth accessible to a man with Noah's means ... and if we multiply the estimate of the total number of species above by 2, we find that he would have had to load his ark with a minimum of 16 million creatures to save them all.

If we overlook the impossible procedure of collecting so many animals in one place from every region on this globe, or attracting them to hike up to the so called "middle east", which entails going to the four corners of the globe to spread the message, but focus instead on the space available in the ark, we quickly find that 16 million animals couldn't possibly have fit into a space that's a mere 123 by 23 by 11.5 meters with room left over for food and other necessities, even if it had different floors to it. That's too much flesh and bone to fit into this space even if it was just insects that got saved.

Let's take out our calculators to show why this is so.

At an average of a centimeter each (a rough estimate of the total length of the average insect), 16 million insects would stretch for a good 160 kilometers. It takes some elementary mathematics to see that the volume of so many insects wouldn't fit into an ark the dimensions of Noah's.

One way of doing this elementary math would be to calculate the total volume of the insects and see if this fits into the volume of the ark.

Volume is easiest to calculate by multiplying length, width and height, and if the average sized insect was roughly 1 cm long, 0.5 cm wide and high (which is much smaller than the average size of a fully grown cockroach), the total would have a volume of 40000 meters squared, which is just above the volume of the ark itself at 32533.5 meters squared.

These calculations are done using only estimated insect average sizes. Remember here that we are excluding larger animals that would push the average volume of flesh and bone much higher.

This conclusion doesn't change if the number of creatures saved is reduced to the documented species only, which would mean Noah would have had to load 2.4 million animals into the ark as opposed to 16 million. The mathematics of it says it also doesn't work. They wouldn't fit in there and leave space for their food as well.

Also, given the food chain that exists today is the same that existed at the time, Noah would have had to take care that some pairs he brought on board were not consumed into extinction on the ark, which would have meant keeping them in isolation from predators while using some of their kind to prevent the animals that feed on them from going extinct themselves from starvation.

It would take a year before they got back on land to forage for themselves, remember? At which point all animal life would be long gone.

Which is well and fine for plant eaters aka herbivores, because plants survive a deluge. But this requires that animals that eat other animals to stay alive (aka carnivores) have a starter pack of feed that sustains them until their food source is replenished enough to survive their predatory instincts. It wouldn't make sense to save animals just to have them go extinct at the paws and canines of starving predators.

It's not a lot of stored food that's needed given there are only 2 boa constrictors, 2 mambas, 2 lions, 2 hyenas, 2 alligators, 2 crocodiles, 2 leopards, 2 cheetahs, 2 wolves, 2 dogs of each dog species, 2 mountain cats, 2 tigers, and so on and so forth. But that stored food is crucial to their survival given all the meat out there is rotten or locked up in pairs of two by two.

I suppose God provides them with a kind of manna from heaven as they waited for the first rat colonies to populate the earth.

Good thing fish didn't need to be saved because there are species of whale that grow larger than the ark. But even with land animals alone did you know there are easily around 5 species of elephant, and tens, if not hundreds of snake species?

Clearly, the people who wrote this particular biblical story with the intention of selling it for the history of the world had never been to the real wild, such as the Amazon forest in South America, or the Ituri forest in Africa, to document the species that live on earth, otherwise they would have written a different story, maybe changed the dimensions of the ship from a mere 100 meters to a kilometer, two, or even ten. In terms of animals, the writers were probably only acquainted with camels, dogs and cats, small snakes, chickens and ducks, goats and sheep, maybe gazelles and elephants, and the rest of the creapy crawlies that infested their middle eastern desert abodes, not the actual world and its actual real-life animal life beyond those confines.

We can be sure from their successes to date that their target audience was non the wiser, and remains the same today, but a new, more informed world has emerged to judge the truth in their texts, and place the Bible "for good" in the fiction category where it truly belongs.

All else considered, only the ignorant and gullible can believe stories in the Bible to be factual, and I guess this is what its deceitful, albeit shallow minded writers banked on.

Ignorance and gullibility.

Wednesday 12 May 2021

African Neighborhood Watch Programs are a Vital Part of the African Western Elite Run Deep State

The cabal controls our communities using the churches and mosques. This is a well known fact. What's less known is the fact their most important means of control is through the freemason led Neighborhood Watch programs that were handed down to Africans after they won so called independence.

The programs were handed down to the leadership of select, usually secret society initiated Africans in their original format and are as such still, to this day, western controlled. They serve the same purpose that they did during the colonial era, which is to keep Africans under oppressive control.

Understand here that the cabal always control people using means the masses would least suspect to be how they are being controlled. People are usually controlled through trusted institutions they feel they have the most control over.

For example, people vote for leaders they think are wholesome. The party that they belong to is also seen in the same light. The last thought they would entertain is that their party or its leader is selling them out.

It's the same thing with the Neighborhood Watch which is made up of local men and women who would be the last that people would suspect to be working for an alien agenda, even if inadvertently, because it's also their neighborhood, after all. Who would knowingly work to make things worse for their own selves except idiots?

And most people working in the African Neighborhood Watch programs have no idea they are sometimes working to enforce neocolonialism.

What people don't know is that these Neighborhood Watch programs are a legacy of colonialism. This lack of knowledge is a product of the fact people will not take the time to research how their trusted program (Neighborhood Watch) lends itself to foreign control due to how it was handed down to Africans.

Find out the truth for yourself by researching the institutions that govern conduct in your community. Research the neighborhood Watch program from its inception. Better yet, investigate the operations of your local Neighborhood Watch.

If you have connections in your community and you know people who have worked with the local Neighborhood Watch, gain the trust of especially long term operatives to the point you can find out from them how many times they have been told someone was doing something wrong in the community and it turned out that the individual hadn't done anything that deserved the retributory/correctional actions that they received locally, that the only people/person they could have wronged could only exist in the western world? Ask them how many times the crimes some of the accused were supposedly committing in the community were fabricated or created from innocuous personality flaws that were blown out of all proportion or even deliberately created and rumored around in the community? Find out about the selection criteria for people put under surveillance and along the way you will discover that the selection isn't always made locally using local criteria. Find out the source of their Intel and along the way you will discover it is not always local but western.

If you can, then find out by investigation how many people they have maimed or even killed or assisted in killing due to orders that turned out to have nothing to do with what these victims did locally but abroad while living there or by engaging in matters that the west considers sacrosanct while living in Africa.

Our deep state is hidden right out in the open its just that we are not looking in the right places to uncover them and their activities. We are as such failing to see how our continent is being controlled, how our impoverished and backward status is being reinforced, how we are losing our best at the grassroots level.

Here is something happening in my own life that I am sure has everything to do with the western controlled African deep state. It is not the first time that this has happened and I am sure that, as long as I keep surviving these attacks, it will not be the last. I can know with certainty that whoever is doing this has no reason to do this to me save because they are being asked to do this by third parties. I am not politically active in this country and have in fact not lived here for the better part of my adult life. I have not made the kind of enemies that would want me killed. I do not own property with a worth that would cause someone to want my death in order to take over, nor am I squatting property whereby killing me is the only way of removing me from it.

Rest assured that I am not the only one going through such experiences here.

I am going through a period when I am having this sensation like I am being gassed in my own home. The hallmark of the feeling is a kind of ache of the teeth that I at first blamed for all the accompanying discomforts.

I initially thought it was just a toothache causing everything until I noticed that the toothache ebbed when I left home and was completely gone when the absence was prolonged.

About a week ago I spent 3 entire days working away from home and each time I was away, the toothache, and the discomforts it came with such as a burning sensation in the nose and back of the neck, stopped completely.

They however flared up "as soon as" I arrived back home.

Before the toothache starts, I get sneezes first, like an allergic reaction, then my nose gets runny and turns really sensitive to the point each time I breathe in it feels like the nostrils and the back of the neck are burning.

I experienced the worst of this yesterday at night. This morning it is only flaring up intermittently.

This doesn't feel like a disease because if it was then
1. It wouldn't be happening at my home only
2. The allergic reaction wouldn't be the preceding event
3. The nose and back of the neck burns wouldn't be a feature of my breathing in and out.

These are typical symptoms of exposure to a gas. I just need to find out which one which requires getting tested.

There was a time in the past when a company set up a blood test lab here, and I went there to get myself checked. They discovered that there were inordinate amounts of a fertilizer compound in my blood, including some traces of a pesticide, and mentioned that this wasn't unusual for people who live in the area. Most of them were eating vegetables from the local farms and this is where the poisons were coming from.

The problem is that at that specific point in time and prior to it, I had not been consuming vegetables from the local farms. I was growing my own vegetables that were free from fertilizers and pesticides. My entire food supply hadn't derived from local farms for months on end which made this diagnosis strange.

I am curious to know what a test will detect in my blood this time around. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be carcinogenic. The need is such I wouldn't put this beyond the cabal. I wouldn't be the first they have done this to either.

Tuesday 11 May 2021

The Kabbalah: Because a Mythology Forged By A Bunch Of Guys Who Didn't Know Where The Sun Went At Night Must Have All The Answers

It was all a forgery by a roving band of savage stone age culture vultures whose descendants are clearly not yet evolved enough to acknowledge the wrongful entry into civilized existence that their predecessors made, that it cannot work that way ... and acknowledge too the issues this has caused them, to eventually abandon the course their stone age ancestors set in stone for them. 

It will take time still 😂 


Who is Frank Einstein (Frenkenstein)? Wherefrom came this riddle? Did Mary Shelley really write the Frankenstein riddle? 

He settled me (Cavemen) in the valley of Kings/Death full of mummies (dryed bones) (Ez 37: 1).

These mummies (dryed bones) iconize the Judean dynasties (Frank Einstein) (Ez 37: 11).

There were Mummies (dryed bones) in the valley (Ez 37: 2).

Mummies (dryed bones) listen to the word of the Capo (Ez 37: 4).

I open your GRAVES and raise you (Frank-Einstein) from therefrom (Ez 37: 12).

They (Ape-like) stood on TWO feet, and built a great Military Industrial Complex (Ez 37: 10).

Come from the four winds of war, Boreas, Notus, Zephirus and Euro (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) (Ez 37: 9).