Sunday 17 January 2021

Why Freemasons Tend to be at the Forefront of Emancipation Battles

Many people wonder what being a Mason does to one's message with good intentions for humankind, for instance what the predictions in George Orwell's books should be interpreted as in light of the fact he was a Mason. Was this masonic or cabal "predictive programming"? Was he merely doing their dirty work for them? 

Some people surmise that masons are in fact always doing the bidding of the cabal. It is assumed that the mere fact they are masons makes it so. Is there substance to these claims?

Yes and no. Sometimes, but not always, and in the case of Orwell this is clearly a case of a man who was just highly gifted and used this to predict future events based on the signs of the times. Orwell would have had to be exposed to a lot of highly sensitive information to achieve this, of course, and it would be inconceivable that the masons would allow him to share it freely for any purpose whatsoever.
It is not always black and white, or simple, but here is what I think about this issue that will hopefully offer insight into what is actually causing the phenomenon of masons tending to overrepresent people issuing forth messages or predictions that actually raise awareness with the potential to free people from tyranny.

In the context of the dominant culture, masonry is inseparable from the system, and it is true that most of the people who have exposed deep secrets about masonry, or attempted to raise the awareness of the general public regarding masonic or systemic agendas, happen to have been masons. I suspect that this trend will continue well into the foreseeable future, and there is good reason for this.

There is in fact no coincidence to this. It starts off with the fact the fraternity has no conscience but relies for the carrying out of its agendas on beings with one. The conscience of some masons gets the better of them, eventually, and they become whistle-blowers.

Once we have this established, we have to understand that the fraternity has a recruitment modus operandi that hunts down and recruits the best in any given community. There is a simple reason why they do this: for the most part, and to the extent that this is possible, the fraternity picks out individuals who are exceptional intellectually because they are destined, one way or the other, for leadership roles. It is after all by taking control of a community's leaders that the cabal takes control of the destiny of these communities, as Jean Mamy makes very clear in his film "Occult Forces".

The masons are versed in the detection of the best. They have been doing this for centuries in order to control world events. They know when they are dealing with true talent or a facsimile of it. They have had the time to position their hunters in areas of social interaction where the best are bound to be found, and they have perfected the skills of approaching them, befriending them, talking them into joining the secret society, influencing the decisions they make when they wield power, and so on.

Hence today, Greek letter fraternities and sororities are permanently camped out at higher institutions of learning, for example, where the masons know that the best are destined to end up in the formative stages of their personalities. Other than these locations, they can also be found recruiting members in government departments, boards of companies, parliaments, etc.

In picking their members very carefully, in thoroughly sifting through society, the cabal recruit the best people before they themselves even understand they are not ordinary, and will pass them through masonic oaths before they really understand what masonry is about.

Now, here is the snag. Most mentally gifted people tend to be good at joining the dots, or doing the math. In short, they are good at figuring things out. They are as such destined to be the first to figure out systems and agendas, by merely thinking their way to truths about them. These people would already have been lured into joining the secret society and will often be masons before they even know it, and if they develop a conscience later on in life, chances they will disobey masonic oath that prevents them from exposing masonic secrets by putting out information that harms the fraternity in some way, are increased.

And with this is increased the possibility that those who step in as activists for the truth, the so called awakeners of the sleeping masses, the raisers of awareness, the prognosticators of future events, will also be masons.

Let's understand that the it's not just the secret society itself that will expose members who gain the trust of the inner circle to information that is generally well hidden from the average Jim and Jack, either directly or indirectly. People can gain rare insights into truths about the culture they live in from other sources too.

The list of masons we have to thank for what we know about the agenda of the kaballistic secret society is endless, and in most instances the revelations they made led to their slaying. We can be sure in these instances that they were genuine whistle-blowers, but need not be restricted to this measure alone. 

I will list some of these masons down below, with a brief description of the role they played in the struggle to raise awareness in attempts to free humankind from slavery to the cabal, if not warn us of where we are headed if we don't awaken to the truth about masonry.

Jean Mamy: Produced the film Occult Forces which exposed the role the Freemasons played in the major world wars, and how they gained control of the positions required to guide the wars. Jean was executed after the last major war ended.

George Orwell: Played the role of awakener and prognosticator of the future of humankind based apparently on his inherent capacity to join the dots or correctly read the signs of the times, based probably on knowledge or insights he gained from inside the fraternity. He did this through his writing, notably in books such as Animal Farm and 1984.

George Carpenter: Awakener. Produced the film "They Live". This attempt to awaken the masses to the reality a group that is self identified by bloodline, or something to that effect, holds them in bondage, could have been based on what he had learnt in the secret society.

George G. M.James: Awakener. Authored the book Stolen Legacy that attempts to awaken the general masses to the fact Greek philosophy is stolen ancient Egyptian philosophy. He was subjected to the masonic slaying shortly after the book had been published. If you do not know what a masonic slaying is, then it is a murder where the neck is slit from ear to ear and the tongue is ripped out and thrust down the throat.

Marcus Garvey: Used his intelligence, and knowledge that didn't necessarily have an origin in masonry, in attempts to raise the level of understanding of his people, and offer solutions out of capitalist exploitation.


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