Wednesday 29 December 2021

The Strange Case Of Bowel Obstruction Events Suffered On Special Dates In 2 Abrahamic Religions

Edited the 10th of January 2022.

I suffered a complete bowel obstruction on the "19th of October 2021". I have put the date this event occurred in quotes to draw your attention to it because it isn't just any ordinary day. 

This date also happens to be prophet Muhammad's birthday for 2021.

I would have taken it as coincidence and not made more of it had there not been a close call of the same thing, this time on the birthday of non other than Jesus Christ himself. Now, that's like lightning striking the same spot twice. 

I went to bed late on Christmas eve, and woke up shortly after midnight to the realization that I was having trouble breathing. The air seemed thick with an abrasive gas that was hurting my lungs and impairing the absorption of oxygen. My eyes started to get teary as soon as I opened them. My ears, nose and the back of my neck were all already aching at this point.

I got up and immediately opened the window wide, walked out the door and left it wide open too. I had been struggling to breathe inside the room but felt some relief as I walked out into the  fresh air, and contemplated staying out there sitting under a tree till dawn, but I was weak on my legs. I felt like I desperately needed to lie down. It wouldn't be safe to do this out there, and there was the risk that I would nod off even if I tried not to.

I tried to stay outside for as long as I could, knowing the more fresh air I got into my lungs the better for the body.

I got back inside after about an hour, and started airing the home. I did not have fresh bedding so I removed my sheets and blankets and aired them all thoroughly outside. I turned the fan in the room on, and pointed it at a partially open window so that it could keep sucking the air out of the room and into the great outdoors. This did two things: it made it impossible to fill the room with a gas, and since the window faced the road, anybody wanting to gas me again (I was convinced that I had been a victim of gassing at this point) would think twice about the gasses spilling out into the neighborhood on that side because it can get very busy.

That's evidence.

By that point I had urinated about ten times, and the sphincter was getting weak, which was a confirmation that I had been gassed. I felt the same symptoms coming on that I had when I suffered the bowel obstruction two months ago, and realised with this that the first episode had also been caused by gassing. I obviously slept through it the first time. 

Only this explained the extremely hoarse voice I had had in the aftermath, the painful ears and loss of hearing. It took about 3 days for my voice to get back to normal, and about a month for my hearing to return to normal, or thereabouts. 

It would seem that once the poison in the gas is absorbed into the body, it causes the bowels to stop working, which leads to food compaction and a flow stoppage.

This is the obstruction that I had suffered on the 19th of October 2021, that I felt starting to happen in earnest as I pranced about my abode that Christmas morning with a lingering respiratory distress. 

I braced for the worst, grabbed my gas mask and sat there waiting for dawn to come, but soon fell asleep. I was well when I woke up but noticed that, as was the case the first time this happened, I had lost a significant amount of weight overnight. 

About two weeks later on the 5th of January a similar sequence of events occurred in the early morning hours. I woke up at around 4 am and felt unable to breathe. I jumped out of bed in a panic and went outside. It was still dark. I paced about trying to breathe but the respiratory distress didn't abate. I realized that my breathing got better the further away from the house I went, and worsened when I returned. 

I knew then that the home had been contaminated and I wouldn't be able to rest inside whatever I did to clear the poisons. It was in fact too risky sticking around the place in the state I was in, so I packed a few belongings into a backpack and started for town as soon as the sun started rising.. I had to find a safe place to spend the day and especially the night, somewhere I could breathe properly and not be in danger of getting gassed again.  

Tellingly, the respiratory distress I was having in and around the home waned as soon as I got away from the premises. I started to breathe normally again by the time I got on the bus out of the village, and I knew that I had made the right decision. 

Somebody out there is clearly trying to have me murdered, and they are now using the cover of heavy rains at night to send their operatives into the area to gas me. What I am dealing with here is Murder by Numbers based on the kabal's obsession with Gematria, the method by which the kabalists claim a murder or a terrorist act. In this case the demise comes dressed as an unlikely natural event or coincidence, and only it's association with a day that's important in an Abrahamic religion points out directly who is behind the murder. 

But them this is only for those who care to know, those who already know the modus operandi of the Kabal. Abrahamic religions and western kabalistic secret societies like freemasonry, are joined at the hip, after all.

I should add on to this the fact the Covert elimination of our best is what is happening here. I have been through enough to be convinced that I have been selected for elimination because I am considered to be one by the western elites. This western program whereby Africans are selectively eliminated, is what is referred to as holistic culling. This is when select members of a whole (a group/race) are eliminated according to talent category so that their socio-economic contribution to the whole is curtailed. They are kept out of the game, so to speak. 

The equivalent of the beheading of a race is achieved when the people being systematically eliminated are the very best, given there is in every group a fixed distribution of talents. 

This program is, according to my reckoning, the remaining reality that Africans have to become consciously aware of to understand just why the continent is failing. Let's be clear that this is not about me alone. What they are doing to me isn't just happening to me alone and this isn't the first nor last time that this is happening. 

The west has been conducting holistic culls on Africans since the inception of Colonialism and slavery too when blacks who were considered rebellion risks were eliminated, and is right now as we speak monitoring our communities, on a continuous basis, for people they feel have the potential to jeopardize their plans for the continent. 

In the end, it's not just about our resources, but about us the African or black people. The west is merely continuing in the tradition of the ancient Greeks and Romans who also turned blacks into a "species" they had to hunt, steal from, brutalize, and control because they believed that (in the words of Napoleon Bonaparte) "blocking the march of the blacks in the world" is the only way their survival prospects could be advanced. This is in fact the mindset that characterizes white supremacy today. The Western world is led by its supremacists, after all. 

Now, the fellows they are eliminating from the midst of the oppressed don't have to be powerful in society to come under the murderous radar. Look at me if you doubt what I am saying. I don't own anything substantial by any standards, nor do I command an army of men. Yet the west is constantly on my case to the point my demise, that they are very careful to have appear as death by natural causes, is necessary in their eyes. 

The fact of this matter is they have to eliminate the best preemptively because once they come into their element then Martyrs are created. Our Lumumba's, Sankara's, Malcolm X's, Biko's, Magufuli's, etc., are examples of our best who slipped through the radar. 

Africa will only go free when it awakens to this reality because only then will it become plain and clear why our leadership ranks are filled by men with mediocre intellects. Only when we realize that we are a people constantly getting beheaded, and this is why we wander the planet as a mindless folk, will we know what needs to be done to regain our original whole and natural stature. 

Friday 17 December 2021

Avoiding the Truthful Mirror

Artist's impression of how the pyramids at the Giza plateau would have looked shortly after completion.

Did you know that, in order to avoid starting a debate on why kemet (ancient Egypt) obliterated its advanced technologies, the dominant culture deliberately avoids acknowledging the fact they did have highly advanced technologies?

They do this because they know that such a debate will inevitably create the possibility of understanding human history differently, or correctly, while also changing how we view the present, especially its main actors in the dominant culture.

This is what's being prevented from happening.

The fact starting such a debate is avoided is actually quite easy to see. I have heard several attempts by westerners to explain how, for instance, the great pyramids were built, that range from laser wielding aliens to giants, never the fact that it was human beings who developed highly advanced technologies that allowed them to build and create the way they did. The latest film on this subject is probably the best attempt at this. It is titled K2019 and it's available to watch on YouTube.

The striking thing about this 3 hour film is how it is at pains to avoid the clear hints it makes itself at the obvious existence of highly advanced technologies. Instead of following through with the implications, it tries desperately to shove the idea the pyramids were the product of a highly observant and creative folk who were hard workers albeit simpletons into our heads.

But take for instance the mere mention of a solstice, and what precise knowledge of this phenomenon says about a culture's level of technological advancement.

It is possible to gradually come to the understanding that you live on a globe that rotates around a sun by mere observation of the sun, the moon, the stars, etc. But it is not as clear cut to know that there is a tilt in the planet's axis that is responsible for the seasons. It is even harder to know where the equator is positioned and how far you are from it. You cannot make these calculations by mere observation of celestial bodies. Knowing that the sun stops in its northward or southward journey on a certain wintry or summer's day, and that it takes three days for a reversal of direction to be complete isn't enough. You need advanced technology to provide the data that enables you to know as much as there is to know about a solstice, and the ancient Egyptians had this technology. This is the only reason why they knew exactly what a solstice is, why, and on what latitude it occurs

It is easy to know how a planet rotates around a star/sun if you are observing it from a distance, not when you are sitting on it. It is easy to know that the planet is tilted on its axis when you are observing it from afar, but not when you are standing on it. It requires serious observation of the surrounding bodies, the seasons and cycles, to know of a tilt to the axis of the planet you are standing on, but it is even harder to use distant planets and stars to measure the tilt, let alone know the dimensions of the planet you are on or where you are on its surface.

You can know of the tilt and its angle but you need a mirror reflection of your planet or, better yet, you need to be able to observe it yourself from up high, to see and measure the other details that are near impossible to know by mere calculations from observation. You will then be able to gather such data as your distance from the true north or geodetic north (as opposed to magnetic or celestial north), the planet's circumference, the distance from the equator to the north and south pole, etc.

You cannot make a monument that is a scale down replica of a hemisphere, such as the great pyramid of Khufu is certified to be, by observations made of celestial bodies while you are restricted in movement to your home or country.

You cannot align such a monument to the true north of a planet that's tilted on its axis by studying the angle at which sunlight hits your village if the size of the planet and its real shape is unknown to you. You may observe that the moon is a near perfect sphere and not know that your planet is oval, which could make your calculations wrong.

Ancient Egypt knew everything I have said about the earth above, and more. They had measured the circumference of the planet already and though their North was our South, they knew how far they were from it. They already knew exactly where kemet was on the planet, which isn't a reality they could calculate. They had to have seen their country from up high.

Kemet had to have highly advanced technologies that made them more empowered than they are made out to be by the dominant culture, that must have enabled them to take to the skies and circumvent this globe, to be able to achieve much of what they did. This cannot be denied, including the fact most of this technology was more advanced than what exists today, or this culture is capable of making.

But, strangely enough, they destroyed it all.

In fact they obliterated it in a highly organised manner, erasing with this all mention of this technology in text or monument, just as they would erase from history an era of mis-rule, and just why they did this is a debate that we need to initiate to understand where we are coming from, where we are, and where we are going.

My take on this is that it was in most probability fear of what these technologies could be used for if they fell into the wrong hands that drove the wise ancients to the decision to erase them from existence. A look at the current dominant culture and the destruction it has wrought with an advancement built on knowledge gained from the very ancient Egypt shows us very clearly what the ancient Egyptians were afraid of.

Imagine where humankind would be today if a warlike culture that finds its sustenance in raids on neighboring groups had gained access to atomic bomb or gene modification technology in 2000 BC. Would anything be left of humankind or this planet today?

Most probably not.

Wednesday 15 December 2021

Western Culture is Indeed Barbarism Masquerading as a Civilization

And it's getting easier to prove this as the world changes, for, while France has been busy collecting billions annually from impoverished African countries in fulfillment of the "Pact for the Continuation of Colonialism", while America (read NATO)  has been invading (militarily or otherwise) country after another forcing regime changes for the purpose of the smooth theft of natural and human resources, while the west has been conducting holistic culls of third world populations to keep them dumb by devoiding them of their best, "something" has been happening in the east that is exposing the true nature, and specifically the worth of the west.

The world has been under a spell that has kept us considering western advancement as the apex of human development. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, we have kept on regarding them as the ones to emulate. Think of it as a Stockholm Syndrome of sorts that has more or less prevented the victims of western aggression from seeing the west in its true destructive and evil light, making us less inclined to reject western dictates, as well as not giving us the incentive to revolt.

It doesn't always take knowledge of a magic word or phrase to lift a spell.

You see, while the west has been busy with its usual schemes, secure in the knowledge that the rest are held in a trance like state by its wiles, the Chinese have been developing with leaps and bounds, and have come out with much to show for their hard work. They have demonstrated self reliance unmatched anywhere on the planet, and their dedicated efforts to advance have produced creativity and productivity that's also unmatched anywhere on earth which, compared to the west that has nothing but what equates to "playing house" to show for its nefarious activities mostly perpetrated on impoverished parts of the planet, is nothing short of miraculous if you consider the odds that were piled against them in the form of the very west, for the most part.

While the west rallied around the Eifel Tower, the obelisk at the Vatican, and the other in Washington DC, the Chinese have poured more concrete in their infrastructure projects in three decades than the west did since the industrial revolution. While the west has removed leader after another in impoverished countries in order to steal oil and other valuable resources, the Chinese have made more money than the sum total of gains the west made from international robberies since the Berlin conference, and bought up a lot of land and properties in especially the very same western countries with the same money made from honest commerce.

They have also been giving some of this money in loans to the very west to the point that currently, China is the biggest single lender of not "some" western countries, but "most" of them. America alone owes Chinese lenders about a trillion and a half dollars. 

The bottom line is the western model of success has been exposed as a fraud, and inimical to everything the human species stands for. In this sense, Chinese success is a godsend for humankind, and is absolutely essential to the prospects for survival and viability of many world communities blighted and endangered by the wiles of a dominant culture hell bent on gratuitous domination and destruction, in order to maintain global cultural and economic hegemony.

Only absolute success and excellence above and beyond the "clear scope" of the dominant western culture, by a culture that's completely independent of its tutelage, can break the spell that keeps nations bound to a block that only stifles and frustrates their best efforts.

Only then are the downtrodden able to address and remove their vulnerabilities to the west because it exposes, and makes it very clear, that the dominant culture has, in fact, an extremely low level of development, pointing out the truth basing the developmental state of their communities on the western standard is in truth wishing for degeneration.

The fact of this matter is that the west has retarded us in order to stay in control of our communities.

How else can it be explained when a single country does more in three decades than an entire western block has done in over a century in almost all spheres of human endeavor?

Apart from historical examples, Chinese success is the clearest current exposure of the truth that people thinking independently of, and apart from specifically western standards, have done well or better, and can do as well today, if not better, as is clearly the case with China.

Chinese success exposes the reality people around the planet are being held back from attaining their full potential by the dominant culture's manipulations. It exposes the negative nature of this influence where this fact is doubted, unknown or vaguely grasped.

It leads to a situation where it is clarified, even to the mentally challenged, that socio-economic extrication from the west and western standards can lead to real development, prosperity and viability.

Not only does Chinese success and excellence unveil the retarding effect of the dominant culture that's hidden from open view by the illusion promoted by the west itself that it is God's gift to humankind, and cause this domino effect, it also potentially assures that the destructive reign of this rogue system is not just reigned in, but relagated to the trash bin of history, permanently.

Simply put, it starts the process by which the dominant culture fails and humankind is freed ... by simply exposing it as a failed culture pretending to be the reverse as a way of keeping its head above water and, more importantly, it reveals the west for the pestilence that it truly is.

Friday 3 December 2021

Malikah Shabazz: Murder by Numbers

Malcolm X's youngest daughter, Malikah Shabazz, died just a week ago on the 22nd of November 2021. Already, people are speculating that she was murdered. Many are calling her death just another Jesuit ritual. It's for good reason too, if you look into why they are saying this.

I will paste below a post I came across on social media that sums up the cause of the conviction.

She died at 56, her father was assassinated exactly 56 years ago at 39 years of age. She died on a day that is exactly 39 days before the end of the year, and exactly 39 weeks from the anniversary of her father's assassination. She was born on 09/30 or 30/09. Remove the zeros which have no value.

Some of the coincidences listed above are just that: coincidences, while there are two facts that couldn't be coincidences. Lemme explain why I think so.

She was born the same year her father was assassinated therefore the age at which she dies would have always been the amount of time in years that had elapsed since his death, provided this happened after her birthday.

She was 1 year old on her first birthday which was a year after her dad was assassinated. Prior to her birthday she wasn't yet a year old. This is why she had to have had her birthday that year for this figure to reflect how much time had elapsed since her father was killed.

The next item that is hard to brush off as a coincidence is the fact her birthday contains the exact numbers of the age of her father at death. This is odd, but cannot be anything other than a coincidence too.

What's special about this oddity is it would have made her a prime target for those who use numbers in their murder games. And it seems more than likely that this is exactly what happened, as I will explain below.

In order to understand my explanation, we have to first acknowledge that her age and date of birth are always going to be numerically related to either the age at which her father died or the time that had elapsed since he died.

If she had died last year, her birthdate would still have contained the same numbers, and she would have been 55 (if she died after her birthday), which is exactly 55 years after the death of her father.

The tricky part is to get the days remaining in the year to equal his age at death, which would require deliberate fixing of the date at which she was going to die, while also making the number of weeks till the death anniversary of his death equal his age at death as well.

There is only one week in the year that this can be done, and within this week only one date that can be picked, which is the 22nd of November.

If, for instance, she died last year, or any other year prior to this, including her very first year in life, on the 22nd of the month November, then the weeks left till the date her father died, and the number of days left till the end of the year would have equalled his age at death. This means that this combination would always have worked, no matter what year, no matter what age she was.

But if she was killed a day earlier or a day later, then only the weeks before his death would have equalled his age at death and not the remaining days of the year. This applies to all the days in the week where the 22nd of November occurs.

22 is as such the special date, the unlucky date for her, if someone was checking her numbers and realized that she had a birthday that contains numbers that are also in his age at death. 22 is the date if someone was looking to create a number of coincidences that couldn't pass as such to just about anybody, in order to have something they can use to prove to the wary or critical minded that her death was not natural.

In order to grasp what I am getting at here, just ask "what the odds are" that she would die not just the same number of days before the end of the year as her father's age at death, but also the same number of weeks before the date he died as his age at death.

That's like lightning striking the same place twice.

I don't believe in this kind of coincidence and know that many people in the black community won't either. I am as such convinced that this date was deliberately selected for the purpose of making it clear that she had in fact been murdered.

I can see why it would be useful for some parties in the west to do this, especially the white supremacist segments of western society who, like the Klan they are, are constantly dying to send a message to militant black nationalists that gives the same message as the Klan burning crosses on the lawns of black folk was intended to give.

This is terrorism as an instrument of controlling a group, plain and simple. They want with this single act to have us know that they are watching us closely, and that the repercussions for "disobedience" or militancy are dire.

Family won't be spared.

It's not difficult to understand from whence this panic emanates. Malcolm X has been gaining in popularity of late to the point he may be the most quoted black leader of them all.

Malcolm X was fighting for freedom. His main strategy in this fight was telling the truth to awaken his people to their true status in the system and as such make them see their plight and hopefully initiate a process of self liberation. And if the white supremacists, who are the defacto leaders of the west, and are solely responsible for the death of Malikah, feel that Malcolm should be punished in the worst way possible for nobly and intelligently striving to be free, including by extending the punishment to his children, and his children's children, if this is considered in this system to be an appropriate and effective deterrent for those who would like to fight to be free, then western society still regards black people as its property. 

Here is yet more proof of just why our pleas for things like reparations have fallen on deaf ears. 

And I hate to say this, but it appears that how we are regarded in this culture, our real status within it is only a secret to us alone, not to the culture that holds us in bondage. Incidents such as this murder unfortunately only remind an insignificant few among us of this truth. The majority don't get it. 

Let's understand, for once, that it's only when we are no longer held in bondage, when our oppression is over, when we are really free of what at base is a parasitic infestation, will murders such as these become obsolete. Only then will we be considered (in the minds of the supremacists) to be eligible for such things as reparations, and the rest that goes with this. 

As I have said several times before, the jews couldn't have started asking for reparations while they still languished in the concentration camps.