Saturday 6 February 2021

Why Vaccine Companies Working on Covid19 Vaccines Were Given Immunity From Liability For Vaccine Injuries

I think I have figured out why the cabal was so keen on arranging Big Pharma's immunity from liability for injuries caused by their vaccines. It's a big chess game, and they have carefully planned their moves way in advance. They have made many moves thus far, but securing Immunity from liability for injuries caused by their rushed vaccines is their best move yet.

The cabal realized way in advance that it wasn't going to take long before the relation of the vaccine to deaths and other injuries is established. They realized this would happen BEFORE their objective had been achieved and it would throw a monkey wrench in the works. 

Too many people were going to die too soon after the vaccinations and, apparently,  there was no science or technology they had that could prevent deaths from happening, in most probability because they found they couldn't do this without diluting the strength of their killer potion. This isn't empty speculation if you understand that it is in the best interests of the cabal to keep the causal link between the vaccine and injuries that may occur difficult if not impossible to ascertain.

They also realized that, with liability to prosecution, once the lawsuits started pouring in, and the experts got their hands on the details and called in bigger experts, there were no tools of censorship, no backdoor access to public information, no misinformation that their trolls could spread to prevent the word from getting out that the vaccines were indeed killing people, which would definitely dissuade people from taking them.

The success of the cabal's agenda to get poison into almost everybody on earth wouldn't be assured if the companies producing the agent that's central to the attainment of the objective (the vaccine) got too much negative publicity, which would be more difficult to conceal from the world than internet posts and the like.

Right now, as I write this, hundreds of people have died, while tens of thousands have been injured. Now, this information is being kept away from the general public using underhanded methods, which wouldn't be the case if the intentions of the cabal were pure, if there wasn't anything wrong with the vaccine. Imagine the situation if the families of the victims had already filed suits against the vaccine companies. Think of the details that would have been leaked as attorneys pore over the evidence? Think of the media exposure. Even the mainstream media would have failed to stay away from such proceedings.

All this would by now have reached the eyes and ears of even the most detached and disconnected people, and ended up dissuading too many from taking the jab. The whole program would already have been dealt a severe blow given records in vaccine injuries and deaths have already been broken by the covid19 vaccines after only a month and a 
half of action.

Figure showing Covid19 vaccine deaths compared to flu vaccine deaths that occurred in the same year the vaccine was given. Note that the covid vaccine has only been administered for less than 2 months but is already almost surpassing the worst year for flu vaccines.

This would soon also have resulted in the companies being fined into bankruptcy, or run out of business. It could potentially also have led to head rolling too.

Do you see why that single move to indemnify the vaccine companies from liability has allowed today's status of the vaccine campaign to be possible?

As can clearly and simply be deduced, immunity from liability of vaccine companies is absolutely necesary for the success of the agenda because the cabal cannot rely solely on the control they already exercise on the masses to conceal the truth that they had ulterior motives for rushing vaccines that are hazardous to health without it. With the evidence out there in the open, the cabal cannot reach their "check mate" point, i.e. the point when it's too late for us, that point when more than 60-80% of the global population has been vaccinated, which would equate to virtual eradication if the signs that strongly suggest this motive are acknowledged for what they are. 

The eradication of a public process that ascertains culpability, with the added potential of attracting a media circus, was seen as the only way a push for a New Global Order could have of success. It was realized early on that lawsuits would be the stumbling block to the mass vaccination campaign. It would easily have exposed the dangerous vaccines too early, with the potential to bring the whole process screeching to a sudden halt. The cabal knew they couldn't move fast enough once the process of lawsuits was initiated.

You see, it's only after the majority have been vaccinated that a New Global Order can be pushed on what remains of humankind, or the semblance of the species that it turns out to be. Only then can the cabal know they have arrived home, and are free, because after that point there can be no turning back.

This is the cause for the urgency we see with the vaccination campaign about a disease that doesn't merit the crisis severity it has been given. This is the reason for the censorship across the board, the concealing of medical data, the alteration of facts online, the bending of science, the banning of scientists, and etc.

In the meantime, the cabal knows that even with the immunity from liability for injuries that vaccine companies enjoy, things can still go wrong. Their only recourse is to achieve the desired goal of vaccinating a critical number of the world population as fast as they can.

And once they have their vaccination goal attained it will definitely be game over for you and I.

But we can still do something to stop them before it's too late. We don't have much time. They have launched their vaccination campaigns in earnest because they understand time is of the essence.

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