Saturday 2 April 2022

Ritual Human Sacrifice is the Driver of All of the Western World's Major Global Activities

One way to get your head around the fact every major undertaking by the western kabalistic elites is driven by ritual human sacrifice and torture, a practice inherited from their ancestry, is to study the "Etymology of Holocaust".

I have put the words in quotes and ignored grammar so that you can copy and paste them into a search engine that way, as this will start you off on the initial research much more easily. 

Provided you ignore attempts to associate the term to what actually happened in Germany during WWII, but instead focus on those results that go into the fact offering burnt human and animal sacrifices was cultural practice among jews, you will get to the truth

By "major undertaking" I mean such events as cause bloodshed on a major or minor but significant scale, such as major wars, political assassinations, massacres, major covert experiments in which hundreds or more are lobotomized or incapacitated and/or tortured till death, false flag operations that claim many lives such as 9/11, and so on. .

What remains unknown to the world population is the fact the holocaust was an act of ritual human sacrifice on a global scale, and it didn't just involve the jews. This truth is easily arrived at once you research the origin of this word and the fact it wasn't a German term. 

Keep in mind the fact the jews weren't burnt and offered as a sacrifice to some German god. They were gassed or shot, and many of them were experimented on. 

And it wasn't only jews who ended up in those gas chambers. Gypsies and even Germans themselves were also murdered. 

The only part where there was any burning of human bodies was during the disposal of the dead bodies. The affair wasn't religious at all, though the dedication to it was. What you then have to ask is why was a term that didn't have any relation to what was going on chosen to describe the elimination of jews from Germany? More to the point, why was a word that's exclusive to a single culture used to describe the mass murder of millions of people who belong to that culture in Europe? 

The thing to understand about the Kabal is the fact that they leave hints and clues to what they are doing in the open. They hide the evidence right out there where everybody can see it. They picked the term. "holocaust" to point out that what they were actually doing is conducting mass ritual human sacrifices of both jews and gentiles on a global scale, giving burnt offerings to an ancestral God worshiped by the western elites. What this event has been called in history, specifically the name "Second World War", is a cover for what is hidden right out in the open, which is that a ritual was being performed by the Powers-That-Be, a ritual they would later actually supposedly coin a culturally specific term for that described the event accurately. 

The Germans, who are seen historically as the main perpetrators, would hardly have used the term holocaust to describe what they did to the jews, in hindsight. "Eidlossung" would have been a more appropriate term for them to use, and they did use it for this during the war, but the people in control today who wrote this history, as victors do, do not want to refer to this event by that word? 

What's wrong with calling it what it really was, i.e. genocide?

Now, for the kabalistic western elites, ritual was, and is always the driver of the main undertaking, which in the case of the holocaust was the major world war. This is to say for them, if a major undertaking cannot be useful as ritual human sacrifice, then it cannot be done. They use ritual human sacrifice to guide their decisions. 

Theories about the cause of the major world wars, for instance, stress that the same people started all of them for the purpose of making huge profits off arms sales to both sides in the war. But then the profits from the sale of weapons can but be secondary and are largely superfluous for Bankers capable of creating money out of thin air. They don't need to sell anything to create wealth for themselves in a capitalist system they control. They just need to stand back and let commerce happen. The money will come to them and if too little comes their way, they simply make more of it, or they bend the rules so that it does. 

They may occasionally need to create more havens to launder the money they create doing their daily business, and the increased manufacture and sale of weaponry during wars does this very well.

In more ways than one, the profits from arms sales would serve as a measure of how the sacrifice they made to their god has been received.

The fact of the matter is the holocaust followed major bloodshedding events spanning centuries, and led on to a series of bloodshedding rituals that last till this very day, because the same people are still at it.

The transfer of jews to Palestine led to Palestinians taking over the mantel from the jews and becoming the central human sacrifices, and BTW this should in fact have been Ugandans had the initial plans gone through.

We are dealing here with the global assault on everybody on the planet by a cult that's lasted the better part of 2 millenia, and it's happening currently with vaccines that are intended to kill or maim, after the covid19 so called pandemic (that has failed to live up to that definition after 2 years), and we should really expect more ritual human sacrifice to come as long as the Kabal remains in control of our communities via their puppets in positions of power, as long as their system/culture prevails. They still staunchly believe that the god they pray to only blesses them once they have thrown victims to him after all and, apparently, they believe that the more people they sacrifice, the better their prospects become.

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