Tuesday 6 July 2021

A people benefiting from your disadvantaged situation, who are set on ultimately wiping you out cannot consider giving you reparations for what they are still doing to you. Jews couldn't have asked the Germans for reparations while still in the concentration camps

Your well-being is mutually exclusive from that of your oppressor's, especially one that started out enriching themselves at your expense, on your slave labor, and eventually got addicted to that arrangement. You will not be helped by the same party out of a status they put you into. That would be like an oppressor that's become stinking rich from your exploitation, and is still benefiting off of your oppression, helping you break the chains that bind you to perpetual servitude to their western capitalist culture and its plans for you that ultimately include your genocide.

Let's look at some concrete examples of this situation.

France has the world's fourth-largest gold reserve, estimated at 2,436 tons, and valued at $111.8 b. There is not a single goldmine in France. While Mali has no gold reserves despite having 860 gold mines producing 50 tons per year.

The French military is in Mali, and it is no secret what this occupation force is there to ensure happens.

France is getting all the gold from Mali and its other colonies in Africa, on top of the money it gets due to the "Pact For the Continuation of Colonialism" it forced all its former colonies to enter into, which amounts to 500 billion per year.

France obviously has no desire for this to end and would undoubtedly have an intricate structure in place to ensure that its good fortune continues, and eliminations of Africans, as indeed the contamination of their bodies and minds to prevent them from having what it takes to change this situation, is an integral part of it.

Comparisons to this structure would be Henry Kissinger's 1974 NSSM 2000 program that was designed to ensure that natural resources kept flowing from Africa. Kissinger was all too prepared to commit genocide if only he could keep the population of the continent to levels that would not impinge on the need for America to keep the resources from Africa flowing abundantly.

We can go on to other western countries involved with different nations on the African continent and the situation will be the same, albeit with different natural resources and differently named pacts.

The west is clearly still exploiting Africa, and benefiting immensely from this arrangement. It would seem senseless with this in mind that Europe would consider reparation demands from Africans for the harm it has caused the people of this continent over the period that it has been there given it is still doing the very things that harm the Well-being of the people of this continent.

The Japanese got their reparations because it was deemed essential to 'repair' them from the short and long term effects of what had been done to them, so too did the Jews. And, as things stand today, the Jews get 3 billion in tax monies from America alone every year, and more from Germany.

We live in the era of reparations, and it isn't the dawn of the age, by far. The Japanese got their first reparation in America as far back as 1909, right when blacks were still being lynched and dispossessed by their own government under Jim crow. Of course, there was an interest in maintaining this system of things so there couldn't have been talk of reparations for blacks, which isn't very different from the situation African Americans find themselves in today.

Four decades later, the Japanese got their second reparations. The Japanese American Evacuation Claims Act of July 2, 1948, provided compensation to Japanese American citizens removed from the West Coast during World War II (WWII) for losses of real and personal property. Approximately 26,550 claims totaling $142,000 were filed. The program was administered by the Justice Department, which set a $100,000,000 limit on the total claims. Over $36,974,240 was awarded.

And if you check the record of reparations, you find that, down the line, each reparation was handed out very promptly, with little to no delay.

But talk about delayed reparations for African Americans today and millions of whites from the entire west instinctively start obfuscating. The rationales bend and twist and you will not be faulted for thinking there is a "World Illogical Argument Contest" in town. Millions of westerners will pull up the Romans, Attila the Hun, the Vikings and etc., as having invaded and enslaved them ... but they aren't asking them for reparations because they are different from blacks.

We are supposed to believe that their enslavers are still around benefiting from their crime against them, as the descendants of the victims suffer the consequences, and it's all traceable right down to the Roman or Viking bank right next door.

I actually even came across an "Irish man" who wondered why Ireland hadn't asked for reparations from England for the devastation they caused the Irish via enslavement and war, absolute disadvantaging as to rival that of African Americans, diaspora Africans such as Haiti, or continental Africans.

Of course, the racist implication is that Irish (white) ingenuity is solely responsible for the advanced state Ireland is in today, while blacks have denied themselves opportunity for equal rates of advancement because of dumbness.

And I wondered at hearing this whether the Irish would survive what Africans have been put through. My estimate is that they would go extinct with only a tiny, minute fraction of the experience.

At this rate westerners might as well pull out the Lochness monster and accuse it of having disadvantaged them ... and it's still enjoying the benefits of the oppression as it rolls and wallows gleefully In the Lochness sea, unchallenged by requests for reparations by the disadvantaged descendants of its initial victims.

Africans, wherever you are, understand this ... When your tears have become another's joy, it's time to move on ... and you will have to fight your way out.

African Americans are in need of repair, but it's not going to come from the white supremacist power structure that still finds it necessary to keep them in bondage. African Americans are going to have to generate the repair themselves, and keep in mind there will be interference to this effort. The supremacists don't want them repaired because then they know they won't remain in the sorrowful state that makes for their joy.

Just remember black Wallstreet or the Tulsa massacres, and many other outrages.

Remember also that Belfast didn't experience a massacre by the English when it advanced too quickly.

Africans on the continent, we know that there are many wealthy entities in the west that were built off the forced labor of our ancestors. Many in the west are still benefiting off of this and growing from strength to strength. Entire countries are enjoying the fruits of actions that are responsible for the state we are in today, a state that is deliberately being enforced. We are also in need of repair but should learn from our diaspora brothers and look to ourselves for this.

We should do it ourselves.

Our repair is imperative, a priority, and should be self generated. It can only be initiated with a rejection of all that is western. We should first of all ditch the languages, the religions, and the system of governance that are the key factors making us fools of the west. It's because of these relics from colonialism that we suffer from a serious and debilitating Stockholm syndrome.

And we should also watch out for interference of this process from the white supremacy power structure still enjoying the fruits of our disadvantaged positions and doing all it possibly can to maintain the status quo.

We are at war, brothers and sisters, and we need to start living like we are. Our very survival depends on this in the end.

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