But there are drawbacks to the indiscriminate killing of people in order to control the survivors that other methods sort out. People can also be turned into obedient idiots to make them controllable, and we already know that the dumbing down of populations is a fact.
But then there can be no precise dosages with mass poisoning. A number critical enough to make a group unmanageable can escape exposure to the quantity of poison required to make them completely obedient. Plus there is the real risk of overdosing segments of the population that get over-exposed to the poisonous substances with the potential to expose the program. Also, the poisoning has to be repeated to ensure future generations are similarly dumbed down and obedient.
The solution would then be to find a way to give each and every individual a dose that suffices to do the job. A way has to be found to make people accept rather than be forced to take the dosage, and what better way to do this than to make them see it as a solution to the diseases that are appearing all over the place. What better way than to create a pandemic crisis.
This has actually already happened albeit for regional or provincial, semi global monetary and population control agendas, in developing as well as developed countries. We already have documentation to the effect Big Pharma medications are designed to make people addicted. The cancer industry isn't in it to cure cancer, but for the money. The HIV/AIDS establishment is performing the role of culling people of color globally. Etc.
Ultimately, the ruling elite want to create of all of the world citizenry replicas of the MKultra zombies that they pass through rigorous procedures to make perfect slaves of. They want us all to become their zombies, to become obedient to them, and them alone, without having to pass us through the routines that create their perfect mkultra soldiers, such as the intricate rewiring of the brains. To get us this way covertly they have to find a way to alter our DNA, to turn us into genetic idiots. It's best to make this a germ level alteration, so that we breed idiots that don't require to be poisoned anew.
Their best bet of doing this would be through a mandatory vaccine. And what better way to do this than to make us demand an injection that accomplishes this task?
If you doubt any of this then realise that our ancestors already did something similar. You would understand the historicity if you knew what a rite of passage aims to achieve. Circumcision at puberty, for instance, is designed to deflect the loyalty of the initiate away from his family towards the greater community he lives in, and it works. Rites of passage are control mechanisms in their own right. This is ancestral "technology" i.e. the idea is not novel, the need isn't new.
The basis of what Anthony Patch says in this interview is not something that has not been said before by other experts. It's only the technology being used to achieve the desired result that differs from the other accounts of what the ruling elite are prepared or preparing to do to control the masses.